Thursday, 17 August 2017

Moving average la gi

Macronutrients Setiap beberapa tahun, karbohidrat difitnah sebagai musuh publik nomor satu dan dituduh menjadi akar obesitas, diabetes, penyakit jantung dan banyak lagi. Pemburu karbohidrat menghindari yogurt dan buah dan mengisi burger keju tanpa roti. Alih-alih kacang, mereka makan daging asap. Mereka makan di bagian atas pizza dan melemparkan remah ke tempat sampah. Mereka dengan begitu keras menghindari karbohidrat dan menyemburkan daftar kejahatan mereka sehingga mereka mungkin takut akan makanan Anda. Yakinlah, Anda bisa dan harus makan karbohidrat. Sebenarnya, sebagian besar dunia bergantung pada karbohidrat sebagai sumber energi utama mereka. Beras, misalnya, adalah makanan pokok di Asia Tenggara. Kentang karbohidrat kaya sangat penting bagi masyarakat Irlandia bahwa ketika penyakit busuk tersebut menghancurkan tanaman kentang pada pertengahan tahun 1800an, sebagian besar populasinya telah musnah. Apa Karbohidrat Struktur dasar karbohidrat adalah molekul gula, dan mereka diklasifikasikan berdasarkan berapa banyak molekul gula yang dikandungnya. Karbohidrat sederhana: Karbohidrat sederhana, biasanya disebut sebagai gula, secara alami hadir dalam buah, susu dan makanan olahan lainnya. Karbohidrat tanaman dapat disuling menjadi gula pasir dan sirup, yang kemudian ditambahkan ke makanan seperti soda, makanan pencuci mulut, yogurt manis dan banyak lagi. Karbohidrat sederhana mungkin merupakan molekul gula tunggal yang disebut monosakarida atau dua monosakarida yang digabungkan bersama yang disebut disakarida. Glukosa, monosakarida, adalah molekul gula yang paling melimpah dan merupakan sumber energi yang disukai otak. Ini adalah bagian dari semua disakarida dan satu-satunya komponen polisakarida. Fruktosa adalah monosakarida umum lainnya. Dua disakarida umum dalam makanan adalah sukrosa, gula meja biasa, dan laktosa, sumber gas dan kembung yang sering dialami dari minum susu. Karbohidrat kompleks: Karbohidrat kompleks adalah zat yang mengandung lebih dari dua molekul gula. Rantai pendek disebut oligosakarida. Rantai lebih dari sepuluh monosakarida yang dihubungkan bersama disebut polisakarida. Mereka mungkin ratusan bahkan ribuan molekul glukosa panjang. Cara molekul glukosa dihubungkan bersama membuat mereka mudah dicerna (pati) atau tidak dicerna (serat). Polisakarida meliputi hal berikut. Pati adalah rangkaian rantai panjang molekul glukosa terikat. Its bentuk penyimpanan glukosa untuk biji-bijian, umbi-umbian dan kacang-kacangan dan digunakan selama pertumbuhan tanaman dan reproduksi. Serat juga merupakan rantai panjang molekul glukosa, namun terikat dengan cara yang tidak dapat kita cerna. Glikogen adalah bentuk penyimpanan glukosa pada manusia dan hewan lainnya. Ini bukan sumber makanan karbohidrat karena cepat dipecah setelah seekor hewan dibantai. Apakah mereka berasal dari bagel pucat, cola manis atau apel kaya serat, karbohidrat merupakan pekerjaan utama untuk memberi energi pada tubuh Anda. Dari masing-masing sumber ini dan lainnya, karbohidrat memberi Anda 4 kkalogram. Karbohidrat adalah bahan bakar. Glukosa adalah bahan bakar utama untuk sebagian besar sel Anda dan merupakan energi pilihan untuk otak dan sistem saraf, sel darah merah dan plasenta dan janin. Begitu glukosa memasuki sel, serangkaian reaksi metabolik mengubahnya menjadi karbon dioksida, air dan ATP (Adenosine Tri-Fosfat), mata uang energi sel. Jika Anda memiliki glukosa yang tersedia lebih banyak daripada yang dibutuhkan tubuh Anda untuk energi, Anda akan menyimpan glukosa sebagai glikogen (glikogenesis) di hati dan otot rangka Anda. Ketika glukosa darah Anda turun, seperti pada saat Anda tidur atau berpuasa, hati akan menghancurkan glikogen (glikogenolisis) dan melepaskan glukosa ke dalam darah Anda. Glikogen otot memicu aktivitas Anda. Tubuh bisa menyimpan glukosa dalam jumlah terbatas, jadi saat toko glikogen kenyang, glukosa ekstra disimpan sebagai lemak dan bisa digunakan sebagai energi bila dibutuhkan. Karbohidrat protein cadangan. Jika Anda pergi tanpa makan untuk jangka waktu lama atau hanya mengkonsumsi terlalu sedikit karbohidrat, toko glikogen Anda akan cepat habis. Tubuh Anda akan mengambil protein dari makanan Anda (jika ada), otot dan organ kerangka dan mengubah asam amino menjadi glukosa (glukoneogenesis) untuk energi dan mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah normal. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan hilangnya otot, masalah dengan kekebalan tubuh dan fungsi protein lainnya dalam tubuh. Betapa pentingnya menjaga kadar glukosa darah normal untuk memberi makan bagian tubuh dan otak Anda. Karbohidrat mencegah ketosis. Bahkan saat lemak digunakan untuk bahan bakar, sel membutuhkan sedikit karbohidrat untuk benar-benar memecahnya. Jika tidak, hati memproduksi tubuh keton, yang pada akhirnya bisa membangun kadar yang tidak aman dalam darah yang menyebabkan kondisi yang disebut ketosis. Jika Anda pernah memperhatikan bau penghilang aseton atau penghilang kuku pada nafas dieter rendah karbohidrat, Anda telah mencium efek ketosis. Ketosis juga bisa menyebabkan darah menjadi terlalu asam dan tubuh mengalami dehidrasi. Karbohidrat, protein dan lemak adalah macronutrients, yang berarti tubuh membutuhkannya dalam jumlah yang relatif besar untuk fungsi normal. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) untuk karbohidrat untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa adalah 130 gram dan didasarkan pada jumlah minimum rata-rata glukosa yang digunakan oleh otak. 1 Rentang Distribusi Macronutrien yang Dapat Diterima untuk karbohidrat adalah 4565. Jika, misalnya, Anda makan 1600 kkal per hari, asupan karbohidrat yang dapat diterima berkisar antara 180 gram sampai 260 gram. Sebagian besar orang dewasa Amerika mengkonsumsi sekitar setengah dari kalori mereka sebagai karbohidrat. Ini termasuk dalam AMDR, tapi sayangnya kebanyakan orang Amerika tidak memilih makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dengan bijak. Banyak orang memberi label karbohidrat kompleks sebagai makanan yang baik dan gula buruk, tapi cerita karbohidrat jauh lebih rumit dari itu. Kedua jenis ini menghasilkan glukosa melalui pencernaan atau metabolisme yang keduanya bekerja untuk menjaga kadar glukosa darah Anda berdua sehingga menghasilkan jumlah kalori yang sama dan keduanya melindungi tubuh Anda dari kerusakan protein dan ketosis. Kepadatan nutrisi dari pilihan makanan kita jauh lebih penting. Sebagai contoh, ceri segar menyediakan gula yang cukup, dan keripik asin hanya menghasilkan karbohidrat kompleks. Sedikit yang berpendapat bahwa kerupuk yang diproses sangat bergizi daripada ceri segar. Gula Ditambahkan: Orang Amerika hanya mengkonsumsi 42 dari jumlah buah yang direkomendasikan dan 59 dari jumlah sayuran yang disarankan. Kami hanya makan 15 dari porsi biji-bijian yang direkomendasikan, tapi 200 dari porsi yang direkomendasikan untuk biji-bijian olahan. 2 orang Amerika mengkonsumsi lebih banyak gula tambahan, yang merupakan 16 dari total kalori dalam makanan Amerika. Hampir 60 gula tambahan berasal dari soda, minuman energi, minuman olahraga, minuman buah dan makanan penutup berbasis biji-bijian seperti kue, biskuit dan brownies. 3 Masalah dengan gula tambahan adalah bahwa mereka tidak dikemas dengan banyak nutrisi seperti sepotong buah dan segelas susu. Untuk alasan ini, banyak orang menyebutnya kalori kosong. Indeks Glikemik: Terkadang orang melihat indeks glikemik (GI) untuk mengevaluasi kesehatan makanan kaya karbohidrat, tapi ini terlalu menyederhanakan nutrisi yang baik. GI memberi peringkat makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dari 0 sampai 100. Skor ini menunjukkan peningkatan glukosa darah dari satu makanan yang mengandung 50 gram karbohidrat dibandingkan dengan 50 gram glukosa murni, yang memiliki skor GI 100. Makanan yang secara perlahan dicerna Dan apel seperti yang diserap dan beberapa sereal dedak - meneteskan glukosa ke aliran darah Anda dan memiliki nilai GI rendah. Makanan GI tinggi seperti roti putih dan cornflake cepat dicerna dan diserap, membanjiri darah dengan glukosa. Penelitian mengenai GI dicampur beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diet berdasarkan makanan rendah GI dikaitkan dengan penurunan risiko diabetes. Obesitas dan penyakit jantung, namun penelitian lain gagal menunjukkan kaitan seperti itu. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi skor makanan GI, termasuk: Tingkat kematangan buah buah (riper buahnya, semakin tinggi skornya) Jumlah dan jenis pengolahan makanan yang pernah dialami Apakah makanan itu dimakan mentah atau dimasak Kehadiran Lemak, cuka atau asam lainnya Semua faktor ini menyulitkan kegunaan GI. Selain itu, banyak makanan berkalori tinggi dan bergizi rendah seperti beberapa permen dan es krim memiliki nilai GI yang diinginkan, sementara makanan bergizi seperti kurma dan kentang panggang memiliki nilai tinggi. Yang penting untuk diketahui bahwa kesehatan suatu makanan sangat bergantung pada kepadatan hara, bukan jenis karbohidrat atau nilai GI-nya. Pendukung diet rendah karbohidrat dirangsang oleh RDA dan AMDR untuk karbohidrat. Pakar nutrisi berusaha membunuh kita, mereka membantah dan mengklaim bahwa karbohidrat telah membuat kita kelebihan berat badan. Namun, penelitian mendukung bahwa diet dengan berbagai proporsi macronutrien memfasilitasi berat badan yang sehat, memungkinkan penurunan berat badan dan mencegah penambahan berat badan. Faktor kritisnya adalah mengurangi kandungan kalori dalam diet jangka panjang. Kebutuhan Serat: Jika kita menghindari semua karbohidrat atau jika kita sangat membatasinya, kita tidak akan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan serat kita atau mendapatkan fitokimia yang cukup banyak, senyawa alami yang melindungi tanaman dari infeksi dan kita dari penyakit kronis. Warna, aroma dan rasa tanaman menunjukkan bahwa ia mengandung phytochemicals. Para ilmuwan telah mengetahui ribuan dari mereka dengan nama seperti lycopene, lutein dan indole-3-carbinol. Antara lain, fitokimia tampaknya merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh, memperlambat laju pertumbuhan sel kanker, dan mencegah kerusakan DNA. Semua makanan kaya serat alami juga kaya akan karbohidrat. Asupan yang disarankan untuk serat adalah 38 gram per hari untuk pria dan 25 gram per hari untuk wanita. Asupan serat biasa di antara orang Amerika, bagaimanapun, sangat kurang kurang dari 15 gram setiap hari. Mungkin paling dikenal karena perannya dalam menjaga perut tetap teratur, serat makanan lebih banyak dibanggakan. Individu dengan intake serat tinggi tampaknya memiliki risiko penyakit jantung koroner, stroke, hipertensi yang lebih rendah. Diabetes dan obesitas. 6 Makanan kaya serat melindungi terhadap kanker kolorektal 7. dan meningkatkan asupan serat meningkatkan penyakit refluks gastroesofagus dan wasir. Beberapa serat juga menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan glukosa darah. Selain itu, serat adalah makanan untuk bakteri normal (sehat) yang berada di usus Anda dan memberi nutrisi dan manfaat kesehatan lainnya. Untuk meningkatkan asupan serat Anda, makan buah-buahan, sayuran, biji-bijian dan kacang-kacangan sering. Kandungan Serat Makanan Terpilih (navy, pinto, black, lima dll), 12 gelas: 6.2 9.6 g 100 Sereal Bran, 13 gelas: 9,1 g Pir, medium: 5,5 g muffin Inggris gandum utuh, 1: 4,4 g Raspberry, 12 cangkir: 4,0 g Ubi jalar dengan kulit, medium: 3,8 g Apel dengan kulit, 1 media: 3,6 g Oranye, sedang: 3,1 g Kentang dengan kulit, 1 media: 3,0 g Brokoli, dimasak, 12 gelas: 2,6 g Source: Pedoman Diet untuk Orang Amerika, 2011 (Lampiran 13) Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi yang penting untuk beberapa sistem tubuh. Nourish tubuh Anda dan membantu melindungi diri dari penyakit kronis dengan mendapatkan sebagian besar karbohidrat Anda dari buah-buahan, biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan, susu dan yogurt. Batasi gula yang ditambahkan dan biji-bijian olahan. Untuk makan malam Di AS, pertanyaan ini biasanya dijawab dengan beberapa jenis daging seperti daging panggang, ayam, salmon atau meatloaf. Daging, karena kaya akan protein, biasanya penting untuk makanan, dan sayuran dan biji-bijian sering menjadi renungan. Ini mungkin memberi kesan bahwa makanan tidak lengkap tanpa daging dan kita membutuhkan banyak daging atau protein untuk kesehatan yang baik. Sebenarnya, kebanyakan orang Amerika lebih banyak mengkonsumsi protein daripada yang dibutuhkan tubuh mereka. Dan bahkan jika Anda memilih untuk tidak makan daging sama sekali, Anda masih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan protein Anda. Protein dalam Tubuh Seperti karbohidrat dan lipid, protein adalah salah satu nutrisi macronutrien. Meskipun protein menyediakan tubuh Anda dengan 4 kkal per gram, memberi Anda energi bukanlah peran utamanya. Melainkan, terlalu banyak hal lain yang terjadi. Sebenarnya, tubuh Anda mengandung ribuan protein berbeda, masing-masing memiliki fungsi unik. Blok bangunan mereka adalah molekul yang mengandung nitrogen yang disebut asam amino. Jika sel Anda memiliki semua 20 asam amino yang tersedia dalam jumlah cukup, Anda dapat membuat jumlah protein yang tak terbatas. Sembilan dari 20 asam amino itu penting, artinya Anda harus mendapatkannya dalam makanan. Beberapa protein adalah enzim. Enzim mempercepat tindakan kimiawi seperti pencernaan karbohidrat atau sintesis kolesterol oleh hati. Mereka meningkatkan tingkat reaksi kimia sehingga tidak memilikinya karena cacat genetik bisa menjadi bencana besar. Beberapa protein adalah hormon. Hormon adalah zat kimia yang tercipta di satu bagian tubuh dan membawa pesan ke organ lain atau bagian tubuh. Misalnya, glukagon dan insulin adalah hormon yang dibuat di pankreas dan perjalanan ke seluruh tubuh untuk mengatur glukosa darah. Beberapa protein menyediakan struktur. Kolagen protein memberi struktur pada tulang, gigi dan kulit. Rambut dan kuku tergantung pada keratin. Beberapa protein adalah antibodi. Tanpa protein yang memadai, sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda tidak dapat benar membela Anda terhadap bakteri, virus dan penyerang lainnya. Antibodi adalah protein darah yang menyerang dan menetralkan penyerang ini. Protein menjaga keseimbangan cairan. Cairan hadir di banyak kompartemen tubuh Anda. Ini ada di dalam sel (cairan intraselular), dalam darah (cairan intravaskular) dan antar sel (cairan interstisial). Cairan juga mengalir di antara ruang-ruang ini. Its protein dan mineral yang menjaga mereka dalam keseimbangan. Protein terlalu besar untuk dilewatkan dengan bebas melintasi membran yang memisahkan kompartemen, namun karena protein menarik air, mereka bertindak untuk menjaga keseimbangan cairan yang tepat. Jika asupan protein Anda terlalu rendah untuk mempertahankan kadar protein darah normal, cairan akan bocor ke jaringan sekitarnya dan menyebabkan pembengkakan yang disebut edema. Protein mengangkut nutrisi dan senyawa lainnya. Beberapa protein duduk di dalam membran sel Anda memompa senyawa masuk dan keluar dari sel. Yang lainnya menempel pada nutrisi atau molekul lain untuk mengangkutnya ke bagian tubuh yang jauh. Hemoglobin, yang membawa oksigen, adalah salah satu protein tersebut. Protein menjaga keseimbangan asam basa. Darah yang terlalu asam atau terlalu basa akan membunuh Anda. Untungnya, tubuh mengatur keseimbangan asam basa dengan sangat ketat. Salah satu mekanisme menggunakan protein sebagai penyangga. Protein memiliki muatan negatif yang mengambil ion hidrogen bermuatan positif bila kondisinya terlalu asam. Ion hidrogen kemudian bisa dilepaskan saat darah terlalu basa. Untuk menggambarkan konsekuensi mengerikan dari ketidakseimbangan asam-basa, pikirkan tentang apa yang terjadi pada protein di lingkungan yang terlalu asam atau basa. Mereka mendapatkan didenaturasi yang mengubah bentuknya dan membuat mereka tidak berguna. Hemoglobin, misalnya, tidak akan bisa membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh Anda. Protein adalah sumber energi cadangan. Dengan begitu banyak pekerjaan, Anda bisa melihat mengapa protein tidak digunakan sebagai sumber energi utama. Tapi alih-alih membiarkan otak Anda pergi tanpa glukosa pada saat kelaparan atau asupan karbohidrat rendah, tubuh mengorbankan protein dari otot dan jaringan lain atau mengambilnya dari makanan (jika tersedia) untuk membuat glukosa baru dari asam amino dalam Proses yang disebut glukoneogenesis. Binaragawan minum protein shake untuk sarapan dan setelah berolahraga. Diet tanpa waktu untuk berhenti makan siang ambil bar protein. Apakah strategi ini diperlukan untuk membangun kekuatan yang optimal dan penurunan berat badan Mungkin tidak. Protein dalam tubuh terus-menerus dipecah dan disintesis ulang. Tubuh kita menggunakan kembali sebagian besar asam amino yang dilepaskan, namun sebagian kecil hilang dan harus diganti dalam makanan. Kebutuhan protein mencerminkan jumlah asam amino yang hilang ini ditambah dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dari pertumbuhan atau penyakit. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) untuk protein untuk orang dewasa adalah 0,8 gkg berat badan. Karena pertumbuhannya yang cepat, bayi memiliki RDA tertinggi untuk protein 1,5 gkg berat badan. RDA berangsur-angsur menurun sampai dewasa. Ini meningkat lagi selama kehamilan dan menyusui sampai tingkat 1,1 gkg. RDA untuk orang dewasa dengan berat 140 pon (63,6 kg) adalah hanya 51 gram protein, jumlah yang kita konsumsi sebelum sore hari. Aktivitas fisik. RDA tetap sama terlepas dari tingkat aktivitas fisiknya. Ada beberapa data, bagaimanapun, menunjukkan bahwa atlet ketahanan dan kekuatan memiliki peningkatan kebutuhan protein dibandingkan dengan individu yang tidak aktif. Atlet ketahanan mungkin membutuhkan sebanyak 1,4 gkg, dan atlet kekuatan mungkin memerlukan 1,7 gkg. 8 Seorang binaragawan seberat 200 pound (90,9 kg) mungkin membutuhkan protein 155 gram. Usia. Rentang Distribusi Macronutrient Acceptable (AMDR) untuk protein untuk pria dan wanita berusia 19 dan lebih tua adalah 1035 dari total kalori. Untuk anak-anak berusia 4 ke atas, ini adalah 1030, dan untuk anak-anak yang lebih muda, kisarannya adalah 520. Untuk orang dewasa yang mengkonsumsi 1600 kkal per hari, asupan protein yang dapat diterima berkisar antara 40140 gram per hari, jumlah yang mudah dipenuhi. Pertimbangkan binaragawan seberat 200 pon yang kebutuhan proteinnya kira-kira 155 gram per hari. Dengan kebutuhan energi sekitar 4.500 kkal per hari, kebutuhan proteinnya hanya 14 dari total kalori yang ada di dalam AMDR. Dengan kebutuhan energinya yang begitu besar, dietnya butuh perencanaan yang matang. Jika dia membutuhkan makanan yang direkayasa seperti batang dan getar, kemungkinan besar memenuhi kebutuhan energinya daripada kebutuhan proteinnya. Salah satu populasi yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus adalah lansia. Meskipun RDA untuk orang dewasa yang lebih tua tetap sama seperti untuk orang dewasa muda, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan mereka mungkin 1,2 gramkg berat badan untuk mencegah kehilangan otot dan osteoporosis bersamaan dengan penuaan. 9 Meskipun hal ini tidak mengharuskan orang tua untuk makan makanan dengan porsi besar, mereka sering memiliki selera makan dan masalah gigi yang membuat sulit mengunyah. Membantu mereka memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi mereka mungkin memerlukan sedikit kreativitas dan ketekunan. Diet Vegetarian. Orang menjadi vegetarian karena berbagai alasan termasuk keyakinan agama, masalah kesehatan, dan kepedulian terhadap hewan atau lingkungan. Seringkali, Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan protein saya adalah pertanyaan pertama yang diajukan saat orang mendiskusikan pilihan mereka untuk vegetarianisme. Ya, dalam makanan khas Amerika, sebagian besar protein kita berasal dari makanan hewani. Namun, mungkin saja Anda memenuhi semua kebutuhan protein Anda saat mengkonsumsi makanan vegetarian. Anda bahkan dapat mengonsumsi protein yang memadai untuk diet vegan yang direncanakan dengan baik - diet yang mengecualikan semua produk hewani, termasuk telur dan susu. Bila Anda memikirkan protein, seperti kebanyakan orang, Anda mungkin memikirkan daging sapi, ayam, kalkun, ikan dan produk susu . Kacang dan kacang juga bisa muncul dalam pikiran. Sebagian besar makanan mengandung setidaknya sedikit protein, jadi dengan makan makanan dengan variasi, vegetarian dan vegan bisa memakan semua protein yang mereka butuhkan tanpa suplemen khusus. Daftar ini menggambarkan jumlah protein yang ditemukan dalam makanan umum yang mungkin disertakan dalam makanan Anda. Perkiraan Kandungan Protein dari Makanan Terpilih Protein lengkap mencakup semua asam amino esensial. Protein lengkap mencakup semua protein hewani dan kedelai. Protein yang tidak lengkap kekurangan satu atau lebih asam amino esensial. Kacang, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian dan sayuran adalah protein yang tidak lengkap. Sebelumnya, ahli diet terdaftar dan dokter menyarankan vegetarian untuk menggabungkan makanan yang mengandung protein yang tidak lengkap pada makanan yang sama untuk memberi tubuh semua asam amino yang diperlukan yang dibutuhkannya pada satu waktu. Hari ini kita tahu ini tidak perlu. Tubuh Anda menggabungkan protein komplementer atau tidak lengkap yang dimakan pada hari yang sama. 10 Jika Anda makan berbagai makanan, Anda akan memenuhi kebutuhan protein Anda. Atlet rekreasi jarang membutuhkan suplemen protein. Atlet profesional harus berkonsultasi dengan ahli diet terdaftar (RD) yang juga seorang Spesialis Bersertifikat dalam Diet Diet Olahraga (CSSD). Jika Anda vegetarian atau vegan, bijak untuk menemui ahli diet terdaftar untuk merencanakan diet Anda dengan hati-hati agar tidak memenuhi kebutuhan protein Anda, tapi juga nutrisi lainnya. Semuanya dimulai pada tahun 80an. Dokter, ahli gizi dan petugas kesehatan masyarakat menyuruh kami berhenti makan banyak lemak. Kurangi lemak, kata mereka, untuk menurunkan berat badan dan menangkis penyakit jantung di antara penyakit lainnya. Orang Amerika mendengarkan, tapi itu tidak memperbaiki pilihan makanan kita. Sebaliknya, label makanan rendah lemak menggoda kami, dan kami membuat makanan penutup pretzel dan makanan bebas lemak dan kaya lemak dan kaya makanan pokok makanan pokok kami. Hari ini kita tahu untuk fokus pada kualitas lemak, bukan hanya kuantitasnya. Lemak dalam Tubuh Katakan TIDAK pada makanan rendah lemak. Mengapa Banyak orang menganggapnya terbatas, membosankan, tidak berasa dan sulit dipatuhi. Dan karena lemak cenderung memperlambat pencernaan, banyak pelaku diet rendah lemak melawan rasa lapar sepanjang hari atau makan makanan bergizi rendah sehingga asupan kalori mereka terlalu besar untuk menurunkan berat badan. Lemak diet memiliki peran penting dalam tubuh. Setiap gram lemak, entah itu dari satu sendok selai kacang atau sebatang mentega, memberi 9 kkal. Kerapatan kalor ini adalah penyelamat ketika makanan langka dan penting bagi siapa saja yang tidak mampu mengkonsumsi makanan dalam jumlah besar. Orang tua, orang sakit dan orang lain dengan selera makan sangat minim mendapat manfaat dari makanan berlemak tinggi. Karena perut kecil mereka tidak bisa menampung volume besar, anak kecil juga membutuhkan lemak untuk memberi cukup kalori untuk pertumbuhan. Lemak adalah cadangan energi. Tubuh Anda dapat menyimpan glukosa dalam jumlah sedikit sebagai glikogen untuk energi, namun Anda dapat membuang energi dalam jumlah tidak terbatas sebagai jaringan lemak. Ini adalah masalah di dunia kita yang memiliki kalori berlebih, namun penting di masa lalu ketika makanan langka. Anda bisa menggunakan energi tersimpan ini saat Anda tidur, selama periode asupan energi rendah dan selama aktivitas fisik. Lemak mengandung asam lemak esensial (EFA). Asam lemak berbeda secara kimiawi dengan panjang rantai karbonnya, tingkat kejenuhan (berapa banyak atom hidrogen terikat pada karbon) dan lokasi ikatan rangkap karbon-karbon. Ini adalah perbedaan penting yang memberi setiap fungsi unik asam lemak. Tubuh kita adalah mesin menakjubkan yang mampu menghasilkan sebagian besar asam lemak yang dibutuhkan. Ada dua asam lemak yang tidak dapat dibuat sama sekali. Mereka disebut LA (asam linoleat) dan ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Hal ini membuat LA dan ALA penting, artinya harus diperoleh melalui diet. Di dalam tubuh, asam lemak merupakan penyusun penting membran sel, dan diubah menjadi zat kimia yang mempengaruhi peradangan, pembekuan darah, pelebaran pembuluh darah dan banyak lagi. Kekurangan klinis jarang terjadi. Kekurangan LA biasanya terlihat pada orang dengan malabsorpsi parah. Gejalanya adalah pertumbuhan anak yang buruk, penurunan fungsi kekebalan tubuh, dan ruam yang kering dan bersisik. Dalam beberapa kasus kekurangan ALA yang diketahui oleh dokter dan peneliti, gejalanya adalah masalah visual dan kelainan saraf. Lemak mengandung nutrisi yang larut dalam lemak. Lemak diet melarutkan dan mengangkut nutrisi yang larut dalam lemak. Seperti beberapa vitamin dan juga phytochemicals melawan penyakit seperti karotenoid alfa dan beta karoten dan likopen. Sebagai ilustrasi, para periset dapat mendeteksi hanya sedikit jumlah karotenoid yang diserap dalam darah individu yang telah makan salad yang dilempar dengan saus salad bebas lemak. Dengan dressing dengan lemak rendah, peserta penelitian menyerap beberapa karotenoid, namun dengan saus berlemak penuh, mereka menyerap lebih banyak lagi. 11 Lemak menambah tekstur dan rasa makanan. Anda sudah tahu bahwa lemak membuat makanan terasa enak. Itu sebagian karena lemak melarutkan beraroma, bahan kimia yang mudah menguap. Mereka juga menambahkan tekstur yang kaya dan lembut, memberi makanan rasa mulut yang memuaskan. Bayangkan tekstur cokelat bebas lemak. Tidak bagus, mungkin. Akhirnya, lemak memberikan kelembutan dan kelembapan pada makanan yang dipanggang. Lemak dan minyak (secara kolektif dikenal sebagai lipid) mengandung campuran asam lemak. Anda bisa menyebut minyak zaitun sebagai lemak tak jenuh tunggal. Banyak orang melakukannya. Namun, bagaimanapun, minyak zaitun mengandung kombinasi asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal, jenuh dan tak jenuh ganda, namun memiliki asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal selain jenis lainnya. Demikian pula, secara teknis salah menyebut lemak babi jenuh. Ini memang mengandung sebagian besar asam lemak jenuh, namun asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal dan tak jenuh ganda juga hadir. Tidak ada Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) atau Asupan Adequate (AI) untuk asupan lemak total untuk populasi selain bayi. Bergantung pada usia, AI untuk bayi adalah 30 atau 31 gram lemak per hari. Rentang Distribusi Macronutrient Acceptable (AMDR) adalah 2035 untuk pria dan wanita berusia 19 tahun ke atas. Untuk orang dewasa mengkonsumsi 1600 kkal kemudian, asupan lemak yang dapat diterima berkisar antara 35 sampai 62 gram setiap hari. AMDR untuk anak-anak lebih tinggi dan bervariasi menurut usia, dimulai pada usia 3040 untuk anak-anak usia 1 sampai 3 dan secara bertahap mendekati AMDR untuk orang dewasa. Para ahli mencegah diet rendah lemak untuk bayi, balita dan anak kecil karena lemak padat energi, membuatnya sesuai untuk selera kecil dan rewel dan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan sistem saraf pusat yang berkembang. AI untuk LA dan ALA untuk orang dewasa berkisar antara 1117 gram dan 1,1 sampai 1,6 gram. Lemak jenuh. Karena tubuh Anda bisa membuat semua asam lemak jenuh yang dibutuhkannya, Anda tidak memerlukan makanan apapun. Asupan asam lemak jenuh yang paling tinggi terkait dengan kadar LDL (low-density lipoprotein) yang tinggi, atau kolesterol buruk dan sensitivitas insulin yang rendah. 12 Menurut Pedoman Diet untuk Amerika 2010, kita harus membatasi asupan asam lemak jenuh menjadi 10 dari total asupan kalori kita (18 gram untuk seseorang yang makan 1600 kkal setiap hari) untuk mengurangi kolesterol LDL dan risiko penyakit jantung kita. American Heart Association lebih menyukai pembatasan yang lebih besar hanya dengan 7 dari total kalori (12 gram untuk diet 1600 kkal). Jika Anda mencoba untuk tidak mengonsumsi asam lemak jenuh, bagaimanapun, Anda akan segera mendapati bahwa Anda hanya memiliki sedikit makanan. Ingat bahwa lemak adalah kombinasi asam lemak, jadi kacang dan salmon (sumber lemak sehat yang baik) mengandung beberapa asam lemak jenuh. Apa lemak daging terlihat seperti setelah wajan telah mendingin Ketegasannya adalah petunjuk bahwa daging mengandung lemak jenuh tinggi. Banyak lemak jenuh padat pada suhu kamar. Lemak susu dan minyak tropis (kelapa, kelapa sawit dan inti sawit) juga sebagian besar jenuh. Sumber lemak jenuh terbesar dalam makanan Amerika adalah keju penuh lemak, pizza dan makanan penutup. 13 Manfaat yang Anda alami dari mengurangi asupan lemak jenuh bergantung pada banyak faktor, termasuk apa yang Anda ganti dengan keduanya. Mengonsumsi pretzel bebas lemak dan permen bergetah mungkin menggoda, namun strategi ini salah arah karena diet tinggi karbohidrat olahan tinggi biasanya meningkatkan trigliserida dan menurunkan kolesterol HDL (high-density lipoprotein) yang bermanfaat, keduanya merupakan faktor risiko penyakit jantung. Strategi yang lebih baik adalah mengganti makanan yang kaya akan lemak tak sehat dengan makanan yang kaya akan lemak sehat. Memasak dengan minyak lebih baik daripada memasak dengan mentega atau lemak babi. Makan siang sebentar dari sandwich selai kacang dan bukan sepotong pizza akan membuat hati Anda bagus. Memasarkan beberapa keju di sandwich Anda untuk sepotong atau dua alpukat adalah langkah cerdas lainnya. Jika kalori Anda berlebihan, beralih dari susu utuh atau 2 susu rendah lemak ke 1 susu rendah lemak atau susu tanpa lemak untuk memangkas kalori dan lemak jenuh. Lemak trans Produsen makanan membuat lemak jenuh dan trans saat mengeraskan minyak dalam proses yang disebut hidrogenasi, biasanya untuk meningkatkan umur simpan makanan olahan seperti kerupuk, keripik dan kue. Hidrogenasi parsial mengubah beberapa, tapi tidak semua, asam lemak tak jenuh menjadi asam jenuh. Yang lainnya tetap tidak jenuh namun berubah dalam struktur kimia. Ini adalah lemak trans yang merusak kesehatan. Banyak ahli menganggap lemak trans lebih buruk daripada lemak jenuh karena, seperti lemak jenuh, mereka berkontribusi terhadap resistensi insulin 14 dan meningkatkan kolesterol LDL, namun ada lebih banyak kabar buruk. Mereka juga menurunkan kolesterol HDL (kolesterol baik). 15 American Heart Association merekomendasikan agar kita menjaga asupan asam lemak trans kita menjadi kurang dari 1 dari total kalori (kurang dari 2 gram jika mengkonsumsi 1600 kalori setiap hari). Pencapaian ini mungkin lebih rumit daripada yang Anda sadari karena banyak makanan yang menggembar-gemborkan Tidak ada Lemak Trans pada label mereka benar-benar mengandung bekas lemak parut ini. Itu karena undang-undang mengizinkan produsen untuk mengklaim nol lemak trans selama satu porsi tidak lebih dari 0,49 gram. Jika Anda mengonsumsi beberapa porsi makanan dengan lemak trans seperti biskuit margarin dan makanan panggang, Anda dapat dengan mudah melampaui batas yang disarankan. Identifikasi jejak lemak trans dengan membaca daftar bahan pada label makanan. Minyak terhidrogenasi sebagian adalah kode untuk lemak trans. Anda tahu setidaknya ada jejak lemak trans hadir. Bila minyak dihidrogenasi sepenuhnya (labelnya akan mengatakan hidrogenasi atau hidrogenasi sepenuhnya), tidak akan mengandung lemak trans. Sebagai gantinya, asam lemak tak jenuh telah diubah menjadi asam lemak jenuh. Lemak tak jenuh. Seperti yang telah dibahas, asam lemak tak jenuh memperbaiki kadar kolesterol darah dan sensitivitas insulin saat mereka mengganti lemak jenuh dan trans. Ada dua kelas asam lemak tak jenuh: lemak tak jenuh tunggal dan lemak tak jenuh ganda. Keunikan lemak tak jenuh meliputi alpukat, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian dan buah zaitun. Kacang tanah, kanola dan minyak zaitun merupakan sumber tambahan. Ada beberapa jenis lemak tak jenuh ganda, dan masing-masing memiliki peran berbeda dalam tubuh. Asam lemak omega-3 telah menjadi sorotan baru-baru ini karena peran mereka dalam pencegahan penyakit jantung. ALA adalah asam lemak omega-3, dan Anda bisa menemukannya di kenari, biji rami tanah, tahu dan kedelai, serta minyak goreng biasa seperti minyak canola, kedelai dan kenari. Ingatlah bahwa tubuh Anda tidak mampu menciptakan ALA, jadi penting untuk mendapatkannya dalam makanan. Dari ALA, tubuh Anda membuat dua asam lemak omega-3 penting lainnya (EPA dan DHA), namun konversi ini sangat tidak efisien. Yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan EPA dan DHA dari ikan. Tidak hanya EPA dan DHA yang penting bagi jantung, tetapi juga meningkatkan ketajaman visual dan perkembangan otak pada janin, bayi dan anak mereka tampaknya memperlambat laju penurunan kognitif pada orang tua dan mereka dapat mengurangi gejala yang berhubungan dengan arthritis. Kolitis ulserativa dan penyakit inflamasi lainnya. Anda akan menemukannya di bluefish, herring, trout danau, makarel, salmon, sarden, dan tuna. Asam lemak omega-6 adalah jenis kedua dari lemak tak jenuh ganda. LA adalah asam lemak omega-6 dan harus diperoleh melalui makanan. Sumber asam lemak omega-6 adalah biji bunga matahari, kacang Brazil, pecan dan kacang pinus. Beberapa minyak goreng juga merupakan sumber yang baik, seperti jagung, bunga matahari, safflower dan minyak wijen. 16 Bila Anda bekerja untuk mengurangi susu whole milk, lemak padat (seperti mentega dan minyak bacon), dan makanan olahan yang mengandung minyak terhidrogenasi parsial, pastikan untuk menggantinya dengan lemak tak jenuh dan bukan menambahkan kalori ekstra ke makanan biasa Anda. Jika tidak, Anda bisa melonggarkan ikat pinggang Anda saat Anda menurunkan berat badan. Jangan takut lemak. Sebagai gantinya pilihlah dengan bijak, pastikan Anda tidak melebihi kebutuhan kalori Anda. Nikmati makanan dengan lemak tak jenuh tunggal dan tak jenuh ganda sambil membatasi lemak jenuh dan trans. Shogi (2355826827) Shiki Catur Jepang dikenali sebagai varian Catur CLASSIC, terkenal karena popularitasnya yang luar biasa dan kaya sejarah. It has been featured at the top of our pages in February 2002 and January 2011. Since were the Chess Variants Pages, we also have several pages on Shogi variants. various games that are either related to or inspired by Shogi. Several can be played with the Zillions of Games computer program or online with Game Courier . Introduction Shogi is the Japanese cousin of Chess. It is very similar to Chess in some respects, differing from it mainly by allowing players to keep captured pieces and replay them as their own. While still very much like Chess in the object, the general rules, and some of the pieces used, this one difference makes the experience of playing Shogi quite different from the experience of playing Chess. It allows players who are behind to more easily get ahead, and it can keep the outcome of the game more uncertain until the very end. Compare this to Chess, where the difference of a single Pawn can decide the outcome of the game between equally skilled players. This difference from Chess helps keep the game interesting and exciting until the end. The similarites between Chess and Shogi suggest a common origin, and it is commonly held that their common origin was a game called Chaturanga. which arose in India in approximately the 7th century AD. From there Chaturanga migrated both westward and northward, mutating along the way. The western branch became Shatranj in Arabia and Orthodox Chess in Europe. The northern branch became Xiangqi in China and Janggi in Korea. Sometime in the 10th to 12th centuries, chess crossed the channel to Japan, where it spawned a number of interesting variants. One of these was called Small Shogi. Eventually, Small Shogi (though it went through many forms) won out over the larger variants and is now referred to simply as Shogi. It is certain that Shogi in its present form was played in Japan as early as the 16th century. (sh ) (-gi) Sh means general and Gi means board game. Shogi (rhymes with yogi ) means generals game . Perhaps the enduring popularity of Shogi can be attributed to its drop rule it was the first chess variant wherein captured pieces could be returned to the board to be used as ones own. David Pritchard credits this to the practice of 16th century mercenaries who switched loyalties when captured -- no doubt as an alternative to execution. Shogi is played on a 9x9 board. Each player begins with one King, one Rook, one Bishop, two Gold Generals, two Silver Generals, two Knights, two Lances and nine Pawns. As shown on the left, Shogi is traditionally played on an uncheckered board, and four black dots delineate the promotion zones (those squares lying on the last three ranks). Traditional Shogi pieces have the piece names written on them in Kanji (Japanese writing using Chinese characters), and because pieces may change sides, the side a piece belongs to is determined by orientation, not by color. As shown on the right, Shogi may be played on a checkered board with pieces that use pictures instead of Kanji. The setup shown on the right is designed to better show the similarities between Shogi and Chess. Even using these more western pieces, Shogi is best played with wedge-shaped pieces whose orientation determines which side they belong to. Trying to play Shogi with figurine pieces would be impractical. Shogi begins in the position shown below in either of the two diagrams. From left to right, each players first rank has a Lance, a Knight, a Silver General, a Gold General, a King, a Gold General, a Silver General, a Knight, and a Lance. In the second rank, each player has a Bishop in front of the left Knight and a Rook in front of the right Knight. Since the game has rotational symmetry, the Bishops begin in opposite corners, and the Rooks begin in opposite corners. Each players third rank is filled by Pawns. Traditional board, pieces, and notation Checkered board, Chess Motif pieces, and international notation. Shogi is normally played with wedge-shaped pentagonal pieces made of wood or plastic. With a couple exceptions, each physical piece represents a starting piece on one side, and it represents a promoted piece on its other side. This makes the promotion or demotion of a piece as easy as flipping it over. Promoted pieces are sometimes colored red, but this practice is not universal. Pieces may be represented by their full Kanji names, as abbreviated Kanji, which uses only one character for each piece, with pictures, with letters, or with movement diagrams. Pieces with movement diagrams are helpful only for beginners, and they are inessential with computer programs that will show you where pieces can move, as some do. Once you know how the pieces move, it becomes more important to be able to quickly recognize the pieces, and that can be made more difficult with movement diagram pieces, which use similar designs for all the pieces. Kanji pieces are more easily recognized than diagrammatic pieces, and the best alternative to Kanji for westerners would be pieces with familiar, easily recognizable pictures. As the pieces are described below, they will be illustrated in full Kanji, in abbreviated Kanji, and in the Chess Motif style. The King (actually jeweled General) moves as an Orthodox King, one space in any orthogonal or diagonal direction. Like the King in Chess, it may not move into check. Unlike the King in Chess, it may not castle. The King does not promote. The Rook (actually flying chariot) moves as an Orthodox Rook. any number of empty spaces along a file or rank, either landing on an empty space or capturing the first enemy piece in its path. It may never leap over other pieces. Unlike the Rook in Chess, it may not castle. The Rook promotes to a Dragon King. which may move as a Rook or one space diagonally. The Bishop (actually angle goer) moves as an Orthodox Bishop. any number of empty spaces along a diagonal line, either landing on an empty space or capturing the first enemy piece in its path. It may never leap over other pieces. The Bishop promotes to a Dragon Horse. which may move as a Bishop or one space orthogonally. The Gold General may move one square vertically, horizontally, or diagonally forward. (In all directions except diagonally backward). In the Chess Motif set, it is represented by a dotted circle, the alchemical symbol for gold, used in astrology as a symbol for the sun. The Gold General does not promote. The Silver General may move one square diagonally, or straight forward. (In all directions except horizontally or straight backward.) In the Chess Motif set, it is represented by a crescent moon, the alchemical symbol for silver. The Silver General promotes to a Gold General. (Here the symbol indicates a promoted Silver General.) The Knight (actually honorable horse) has the two forward-most moves of the Orthodox Knight. always leaping to a space two ranks ahead and one file to the side. For example, a black Knight on 5d may go to 6b or to 4b. It may leap over occupied squares. The Knight promotes to a Gold General. (Here the symbol indicates a promoted Knight.) The Lance moves as a Rook but only forward in the same file, never sideways or backward. The Lance promotes to a Gold General. (Here the symbol indicates a promoted Lance.) The Pawn (actually soldier) moves one square straight forward. Shogi Pawns capture in the same manner as they move -- as do all Shogi pieces. The Pawn promotes to a Gold General. (Here the symbol indicates a promoted Pawn.) Black moves first. (Although the pieces are not colored differently, the side moving first is normally called Black, and the side moving second is normally called White. Black begins on ranks g, h, and i.) The object of the game is to checkmate the enemy King. Perpetual check is forbidden. The player initiating the check must break it off. Pieces promote as follows. Except for a King or Gold General, any starting piece that moves to, from or within the promotion zone (the last 3 ranks) may promote. A promotion is indicated by flipping the piece over to display the symbol on its bottom side. Promotion is optional unless the piece would have no further legal moves from its new position. So, when a Pawn or Lance moves to the last rank, or a Knight moves to one of the last two ranks, promotion is mandatory. Pieces dropped into the promotion zone (the last 3 ranks) may not promote until making at least one move. (See below). Upon capture, a piece changes sides, and if promoted demotes. Each player gets to hold any pieces he captures in reserve. using subsequent turns to drop them back onto the board. Piece drops may be made under the following conditions: Only one piece may be dropped on the board per turn, and this must be done instead of moving a piece on the board. A captured piece may be dropped only on an empty space. A Pawn may not be dropped onto a file containing another non-promoted Pawn belonging to the same player. No piece may be dropped on a square from which it is impossible to move. So, a Pawn or Lance may not be dropped on the last rank. and a Knight may not be dropped on either of the last two ranks. A checkmate may not be performed by the drop of a Pawn. A King may be checked by dropping a Pawn, but only if the drop does not result in an immediate checkmate. Video Instruction Various Shogi videos are available on YouTube. Fergus Duniho has made a four-part video series on the rules of Shogi: HIDETCHI has made numerous videos on Shogi. His videos cover the rules of Shogi, Shogi strategy, famous Shogi games, and famous Shogi mate problems. Hirohigo has made several videos on Shogi proverbs. Computer Programs One of the best ways to learn Shogi is to play against a computer program that will show you where the pieces can move. The following three are Windows programs. If you dont have Windows, you may be able to run them with a Windows API, such as Wine on Linux. For absolute beginners, Steve Evans Shogi Variants is a good choice. It describes and shows how the pieces move, and it plays very poorly. It also covers various historical Shogi variants, both large and small, from Japan. Once you can beat Shogi Variants, youll need a stronger opponent. Zillions of Games. a commercial program capable of playing many games and puzzles, can play Shogi, and its interface is excellent for anyone trying to learn a game. Instead of being a native Shogi application, it plays Shogi by interpreting a script that describes the rules, known as a Zillions Rules File or ZRF. The Shogi ZRF that comes with it plays very poorly, because it values unpromoted pieces more than promoted pieces, and it handles drops inefficiently. Because of these defects, both Steve Evans and Fergus Duniho wrote ZRFs that play Shogi better, and they combined their efforts into a single script: fdshogi. zip. By combining Evans ideas about fixing piece values with Dunihos ideas for handling drops more efficiently, the new script plays better and can easily beat Evans Shogi Variants program while playing at its fastest speed, something the Shogi ZRF that comes with the program cannot do. It also provides new Shogi graphics, including the Chess Motif set seen on this page, taking advantage of ZoGs full graphics customizability. But compared with a dedicated Shogi engine, it is still rather weak. This is good for beginners, but its not strong enough for more advanced players. If you need an even stronger opponent, Bernard C. Maerzs BCMShogi is a great choice. This free program includes the SPEAR Shogi engine, and it can be used with any UCI-compatible Shogi engine, which should give you as strong an opponent as you will need. It also has fully customizable graphics and comes with many different piece and board images, including those used to make the diagrams on this page. Play Online On our own site, you can play Shogi. as well as many other Chess variants. against other people online, using Game Courier. It will enforce the rules of Shogi, display legal moves, automate the transfer of captured pieces to offboard locations, and spot winlossdraw conditions. It will also let you choose from a variety of graphics, including both checkered and uncheckered boards, and both pictographic and Japanese piece sets, including all the piece sets displayed on this page and more. Photographs Shogi Links Here are links to other sites and pages on Shogi, all in English: The Kanji Shogi pieces are by Koma-Shokunin 1. and they are used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. The full Kanji set is called Kinki Regular, and the abbreviated Kanji set is called Kinki Abbreviated (Inscribed). The Chess Motif pieces were made by Fergus Duniho, using Armando Marroquins Chess Motif font for the Chess piece images. The Lance and Generals were drawn by Fergus Duniho. The symbols for the Generals were borrowed from alchemy, which used astrological symbols to represent various metals. The board images were made by Fergus Duniho using BCMShogi. because this Shogi program has fully customizable graphics and comes with some very nice Kanji graphics for Shogi, namely the pieces designed by Koma-Shokunin 1. already credited above. This page was originally written by Hans Bodlaender. In 2002, it was edited and updated by John William Brown. In 2010, it was rewritten and redesigned by Fergus Duniho. David Howe has also made updates to this page. Thanks also to Ivan A Derzhanski for corrections to the linguistic information on the word Shogi. Thanks also to Shinsuke Mori for pointing out that the graphics for promoted Silver General and promoted Knight had been switched. WWW page created: September 9, 1996. Last modified: February 9, 2012. This site is supported by advertising and by donations. You can help out by making a small donation or by using this sites affiliate links when you shop at ebay. Amazon. or the House of Staunton . Game Courier Logs Click on the above link to view logs of Shogi played on Game Courier. Shogi . The Japanese form of Chess, in which players get to keep and replay captured pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81) (Recognized ) Kevin Pacey wrote on 2016-09-19 Excellent x2605x2605x2605x2605x2605 Once each side has a little development completed, Shogi games are action-packed as a rule. Fergus Duniho wrote on 2016-07-22 Excellent x2605x2605x2605x2605x2605 Shogi is an excellent game. Like Chinese Chess and western Chess, it probably evolved from the Indian Chaturanga. Despite being very different from Chinese Chess and from western Chess, it has too many similarities to them to be coincidence. The main evidence for the direction of evolution is that (1) it is a huge improvement over Chaturanga, and (2) its main differences from Chaturanga are not seen in other regional Chess variants. One of its main differences from other regional variants is its drop rule, which allows players to drop captured pieces back on the board as their own. Despite still having some slow-moving pieces like Chaturanga has, this rule greatly speeds up the game. because a captured piece can (with some restrictions) be placed on any empty space on the board. It also makes the game more dynamic. Instead the game being decided by a single-Pawn difference early in the game, there is a greater chance of material shifting between players, and the outcome depends more on the quality of play throughout the game. Shogi remains superior to Chess variants, such as Chessgi or Crazyhouse. that have added a similar drop rule to Chess. The reason for this is that its piece set is better-designed to work with the drop rule. In general, the drop rule works better with weaker pieces than are found in Chess. For example, the Chess Knight can be a formidable piece to drop, possibly forking several pieces, but the Shogi Knight can move in only two directions. Although it does include one Rook in the game, it has replaced the two corner Rooks with Lances, which move forward only. Also, unlike Chessgi and Crazyhouse, the Rook is the most powerful piece that may be dropped. In those games, you can drop a captured Queen. Shogi is also superior to Shatranji. my own attempt to apply the drop rule to the weaker piece set found in Shatranj. Besides the regular Chess Knight, Shatranji has a Ferz and some Elephants, which are both short-range diagonal moving pieces, instead of the Gold and Silver Generals. The two Generals, while being weaker than the King, both have the ability to change color. Also, like the Lance and Shogi Knight, they are more powerful going forward than backward. Having greater power for forward movement improves the offensive ability of pieces while weakening their defensive capabilities. Giving greater power to several pieces that reach the back three ranks also favors offense over defense. This favoring of offense over defense helps make Shogi more decisive and less drawish. Overall, Shogi is a fun, dynamic, and decisive game that can hold interest throughout the game, it is a huge improvement over Chaturanga, and among regional variants, it is my favorite. It39s appeared in Naruto, too. I don39t know too much about it39s involvement beyond Shikamaru Nara being really good at it. The game of Shogi frequently appears in the Japanese anime Ranma frac12. Here are a couple images from the first episode featuring Shogi. First, a closeup of the board. This scene shows the two characters who normally play Shogi together. They are the fathers of the two main characters, Ranma and Akane. The panda is Ranmas father, and Ranma can be seen in the foreground running from Akanes sisters, who want to make him wear girls clothing while there is no hot water to turn him back into a boy. The following images come from an episode that focused on Shogi: Finally, here is a shot of the two main characters, Ranma and Akane. First of all, my credentials. I am the only person in the world to have earned a 2400 rating in both chess and shogi, being an International Master in the former and an Amateur 5 Dan in the latter. I was once thought to be the strongest non-oriental player in the U. S. of Shang-chi (Chinese chess). GM Larry Kaufman on Shogi Number of ratings: 31 . Average rating: Excellent . Number of comments: 104Yusei Fudo Yusei Fudo is the main protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds . and was one of the Signers. He is known for and respected by many other characters in the show for his genius style of Dueling, his considerable skill, and his cool and clever personality. He uses a Duel Runner. which is called the Yusei Go. In the English dub, Lets rev it up is a common catchphrase that he uses when he summons a Synchro Monster. He is also the foster brother of Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan. and very good friends with Kalin Kessler. with whom Yusei has history. Appearance Yusei has tan skin, an average looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. According to Kazuki Takahashi Yuseis hairstyle was based on Takahashis own bedhead, and completes a rock, paper, scissors theme shared with Yugi Muto and Jaden Yuki. 3 Yusei wears a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wears gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket (one for his standard Deck and one for his Turbo Duel Deck), and calf-high motorcycle boots. After episode 5. he acquires a jagged criminal mark on the left side of his face, which was later covered in episode 116 and episode 117. presumably by makeup. His Mark of the Dragon was a red outline of the tail, which was permanently burned onto his right forearm after the events concluding the Fortune Cup story arc. It is later replaced by the dragon head mark upon his defeat of Rex Goodwin. with Crow Hogan receiving his former mark. A full body view of Yusei. During his time in Crash Town. Yusei replaced his Duel Disk with the Duel Disk revolvers used in the town, and he wore a brown poncho over his normal clothes with his Mark of the Dragon designed on it. He wears the poncho in the manga at the start of the D1 Grand Prix. However this poncho is white, lacks the Mark of the Dragon design, and is dirtier. During the WRGP, he gets a new Turbo Dueling outfit that is similar to his old clothes but is more form-fitting. The new outfit consists of the same blue jacket with amber gems, but the flared bottom is replaced by a black strap with an orange outline. He wears blue jeans with amber gems at the knees and knee-high boots. Personality Yusei has an very noble and heroic personality. He is selfless, protective, brotherly, kind-hearted and overall mostly serious person, who deeply values the safety of humanity and his friends. Because of this, he is seen by most other characters in the show as a dependable person they can always trust. Yusei is also usually depicted as being serious, calm and clear-minded even in the worst situations. Due to this he rarely acts on impulse and usually thinks things through before he plays any cards, always trying to stay one step ahead of his opponent. This is made obvious during his Duels, as he regularly visualizes card flowcharts in his mind in order to devise his strategies. He is also very selfless, and is hesitant to put the safety of his friends, or anyone else at risk. Having grown up as an orphan in the harsh conditions of Satellite, Yusei has a tendency to keep a serious and somewhat stoic expression most of the time, and is rarely ever seen laughing, though he does give short smiles frequently. In very few occasions Yusei can lose his composure and act out of anger, most notably after Roman used Rally as a scapegoat and Martha was consumed by his Earthbound Immortal. Yusei sees friends as the most valuable thing a person can have he believes no one should ever have to be alone, and tries to convince others who reject friendship that it is something to be embraced. 4 5 Yusei is sometimes contradicting to his view on fate. Just before Yusei Dueled Halldor. he stated he didnt care about fate 6. but during his Duel with Halldor, he says if Halldor felt he was fated to face Iliaster. the same applies to him. 7 Yusei believes that fate doesnt control everyone, and that it is what people make it. Yusei gets annoyed at those who reject cards by calling them trash or say that cards are useless, so much so that he doesnt consider them deserving of calling themselves Duelists 8 or even consider them a Duelist. 9 However, his opinion can change if such people reform, such as with Bolt Tanner. in which he considered him a Genuine Duelist. 10 He is also shown to be annoyed when Trudge refers to him or his Deck as scum, enough that Yusei told Trudge All you ever say is scum over and over again, dont you know any other words 11 It is also revealed later on in the Dark Signers arc that Yusei felt guilty about the Zero Reverse incident and blamed himself for it as well as all the disastrous consequences that it caused the following years. He also wonders why no one hates him for any of that. Having heard this Crow assured him Yusei didnt need to take responsibility for it, but he and Roman Goodwin commented this being the darkness in Yuseis heart. 12 While no longer blaming himself for the Zero Reverse, his guilt wasnt completely gone the idea of a second Zero Reverse or any similar dangers for the city horrifies him, something some of his opponents such as Primo were able to exploit to break his Clear Mind. Yusei occasionally has nightmares about the Zero Reverse after which he goes to reflect about it, something Jack and Crow find predictable. He believes that Synchro Monsters are not the bringer of destruction despite the evidence to the contrary 13 He also cares very much for New Domino City s safety 7. and has even said he will never allow a tragedy like Zero Reverse to ever happen again in the city, even if it means his life. 14 He also told Z-one that nobody has the right to take away another persons future, even it was to save the world. 15 Furthermore, he believes that if there is no present Ener-D. then the future cannot be saved. 16 He also believes that what awaits someone after leaving their friends behind, would not be true freedom. 10 Antinomy has said that Yusei being unable to leave out his feelings towards a former friend are both his greatest strength and weakness. 17 In the dub, Yusei has had a fear of insects ever since a cockroach nested in his ear, as said by Nervin. He was however able to conquer this fear after his Duel against Lenny. though he seemed to show discomfort in his first Duel against Roman Goodwin. where he asked if it was too much to ask to Summon a monster with only two legs. Yusei is shown to be highly technical when it comes to computers and machines, able to build and program seemingly anything as he was to build his own Duel Runner from scrap parts, twice, and how he jammed the criminal mark on Rally Dawson. Along with the ability to construct one, he is also shown to be an expert at riding a Duel Runner, evidenced numerous times throughout his Duels. He is a skilled fighter, as evident from how effortlessly he knocked out two of Goodwins security guards. He appears to have expertise in physics considering the fact that at one point Akiza came to request his assistance on the subject and later takes over his parents job as head of overseeing the completion of the Ener-D. As Team 5Ds team captain, Yusei showed to be a very capable strategist and tactician, able to see through his opponents plans and devising plans for his own team. He is also an adept teacher as shown when he was helping Akiza get her Turbo Dueling License. Later, Yusei learns to Accel Synchro Summon via Clear Mind. which enables him to control the Ener-D in his Duel Runner with his will and go at critical speeds without stopping. With it he is capable of Summoning Shooting Star Dragon (although he performed Clear Mind for the first time in episode 109 and Summoned Shooting Star Dragon, Yusei did not achieve Clear Mind on his own due to using the Crimson Dragon mark to perform it. 18 It is only in episode 122 that Yusei has used Clear Mind without relying on the Crimson Dragons power. 19 ). Bruno also confirmed that he is capable of achieving Delta Accel Synchro via Top Clear Mind 20. However, in episode 150. Yusei instead achieved Limit Over Accel Synchro Summon via Over Top Clear Mind. a god-like power that greatly exceeds Top Clear Mind itself (this kind of state could not be performed without the Crimson Dragon itself along with all six Marks of the Dragon aiding him. Unlike other Clear Mind states, Yusei flew at very fast speed in the air rather than the ground. When performing this, Yusei and his Duel Runner turned gold in color. 16 With this, Yusei is capable of Summoning Shooting Quasar Dragon . Yuseis Signer mark gives him powers that no ordinary man has, like the ability to locate other Signers or protecting himself and others from harm or other supernatural effects. In Yu-Gi-Oh 3D Bonds Beyond Time . his mark even makes him able to see and hear the spirits of Duel Monsters and humans. Yuseis last name Fudo, means steadfast and unmovable. His first name means planet or planetary from the planetary gears that operated Ener-D ) he connects all of the other gears, which represent his friends. Yusei as a baby Yusei and Crow sharing Super Duper Cup Ramen Young Yusei, with Crow and Jack . Yusei was born in the Tops area of New Domino City. His parents were lead developers for the Ener-D Reactor. Dr. Fudo named his son Yusei after the Planetary Particle ( Ysei Ryshi ), as he wished for Yusei to be able to connect people with bonds. As the Zero Reverse was about to take place, before dying, Yuseis father placed Yusei in an escape pod, saving him from the disaster that would follow. This was so that Mr. Fudo could save Yusei from the power that Roman Goodwin used to activate the Zero Reverse. In contrast, Yuseis parents were both killed in the Zero Reverse and Yusei was sent to an orphanage in Satellite. where he was fostered by Martha. Growing up he was interested in auto shop. Yusei grew up in Satellite, where he befriended Kalin Kessler. Jack Atlas. and Crow Hogan. As residents of Satellite, they were made to do labor for the residents of New Domino City and denied many luxuries which were enjoyed by the residents of New Domino. Being forced to survive on what he could, Yusei developed expert Dueling skills. He, along with Kalin, Jack and Crow, became part of a group known as the Enforcers ). Believing they could never leave Satellite. the team tried to make the most of their lives there. They began taking over various regions, by defeating other teams and destroying their Duel Disks with Deathmatch Duel Ropes While facing another Duel Gang. one of the members tries to kill Yusei, by throwing him off the roof. Kalin catches Yusei with his own Duel Rope, stopping him from falling. As Kalins platform begins to give way, Yusei tells Kalin to leave him and save himself. Kalin refuses to abandon his friend and pulls Yusei up. With that gang defeated, the Enforcers have captured all the zones in Satellite. They finally dominated the whole of Satellite. Sometime later, Kalin forces a kid into a Duel and assaults him after winning. The rest of the gang realize Kalin is becoming cruel and is letting the power get to his head. Crow and Jack leave the gang, but Yusei stays by Kalins side. Sector Security later arrive in Satellite, armed with Duel Runners. Kalin decides to go up against Sector Security. Yusei leaves the team, hoping that Kalin wont decide to go through with the fight when hes alone. Kalin still proceeds with the fight, and the rest of the gang return to help Kalin when he is on the run. The team faced Security, in what Kalin believed to be the Enforcers last Duel. Yusei gets in a fight with Kalin when Kalin murders a Security Officer. Crow and Jack held Kalin in a room, while Yusei went to tell that he, himself, was the leader, in the hopes that Kalin wont get arrested. Before he could do this, the Securities found and arrested Kalin. As Kalin is dragged into a Security wagon, the officer pats Yusei on the shoulder, thanking him for assisting in the arrest. Kalin sees this and believes Yusei sold him out, but is taken away before Yusei can explain himself. Yusei later spent much of his time with Jack, Blitz. Nervin. Tank and Rally. During this time which, he develops impressive skills in hand-to-hand combat, engineering, computers, motorcycle riding. Yusei Duels and loses to Jack. Jack tells him that he cannot win a Duel with Monsters. Spell or Trap Cards alone, only with them joined up. Jack points to his heart, saying that all he needed to amass a victory is right here. At the time, Yusei did not understand what he meant. Yusei was able to pick up TV signals from New Domino City. allowing his friends to witness Turbo Duels. He fell out with Jack after a difference in goals, as Jack wanted power and to lead people. Yusei constructs his first Duel Runner with help from his friends. With his friends help, Yusei was able to make his own Duel Runner. However, Jack stole the Duel Runner and Stardust Dragon in order to escape to New Domino City and become the Turbo Duel King. Yusei had considered these stolen items to be bonds of friendship belonging to him and his friends and vowed to get them back. Fortune Cup In the process, he runs into Trudge. a Sector Security officer, who wants to arrest Rally for stealing an acceleration chip. (in the dub, Rally was framed.) Trudge agrees to Duel Yusei under the condition that if Yusei won, Trudge would forget the events of that day if Trudge won, Yusei would give himself up to Trudge. After accepting the challenge and losing, Trudge swears to crush Yusei, but lets him go. While the only pipeline connecting Satellite to New Domino City. which is a chute for waste, was closed for maintenance, Yusei took advantage of this to escape to New Domino. On the way, he gets chased by Trudge, who forces him into a Turbo Duel. Yusei wins one second before the hatch to New Domino started closing. Avoiding the trash flooding through the pipeline, Yusei slipped through the maintenance hatch right before it closed, leaving Trudge stuck in the pipeline now full of trash. Yusei manages to find Jack. Jack tosses Stardust Dragon back to him, telling Yusei he can have it. Yusei refuses and tosses it back to Jack, saying that he would rather Duel him for it to prove he can get it on his own. Jack agrees, but their Turbo Duel is interrupted by the appearance of the Crimson Dragon right before the winner is determined, later revealed to have been Yusei. The Dragon causes Jacks already permanent birthmark (Mark of the Dragon ) to glow and burn as well as revealing Yuseis mark, the Dragons Tail. Yusei is arrested shortly after for trespassing into New Domino while Jack leaves safely. Rex Goodwin and Lazar. who had been monitoring the Duel, reveal that if the Crimson Dragon hadnt appeared, Jack would have lost. After his arrest, Yusei was scarred with a large mark on the left side of his face that signified his criminal record. and was sent to The Facility. where he met Tenzen Yanagi. Yanagi informs Yusei of the Crimson Dragon and the Signers. telling him that those who have the birthmarks were chosen by the People of the Stars. Yuseis birthmark is the Crimson Dragons Tail, which appears on his arm when he fights alongside Stardust Dragon or encounters another Signer. Yusei meets former pro Duelist, Bolt Tanner. who imposes a Duel. Since Yuseis cards had been taken, Yanagi Duels Tanner. Disgusted at Yanagis poor Dueling and his cards, Tanner stamps on the cards, despite their sentimental value to Yanagi. Yusei knocks Tanner down and challenges him to a Duel, borrowing Yanagis Deck. Yusei defeats him without ever attacking once and Tanner offers his assistance to him. Under Rex Goodwin s orders, the warden Armstrong is made carry out tests on Yusei. Armstrong also has Yusei sent to a different part of the Facility. Yuseis new cellmate Alex offers Yusei a chance to escape through a tunnel hes been working on for months. Yusei agrees to come if they can take Tanner and Yanagi too. However Armstrong has Tanner and Yanagi beaten for knowing Yusei. Yusei stands up to Mr. Armstrong, causing him to impose stricter rules. Goodwin then unexpectedly shows up, and grants Yusei freedom from the Facility - on the condition that he defeat Armstrong in a Duel and come to work with him. Yusei, though feeling suspicious, accepts Goodwins offer. Yusei refuses to escape with Alex, as Tanner and Yanagi are unable to come too and escaping wouldnt grant true freedom. Without a Deck to use against Armstrong, the other inmates give Yusei cards to use against Armstrong. Yusei being shocked by the damage The next day Yusei faces Armstrong, using the Deck of random cards. The Duel is setup to shock players if they suffer damage, but Armstrong rigs the arena to stop himself receiving shocks and uses surveillance cameras to see Yuseis cards. Alex, however uses his tunnel to sneak into a security room and switches Armstrongs shocks back on, causing a brief blackout in the process. During the blackout, Yusei switches the positions of two of his Set cards, knowing that Armstrong knows which was Set where. Yusei defeats Armstrong and is released by Goodwin. Yusei says goodbye to the friends he made at the Facility. Before his release, Yanagi gives Yusei his Totem Pole card. Tanner gives him his Giant Ushi Oni , instructing him to go to Bootleg. order some milk, and ask for a guy named Blister. then use the card to prove he met Tanner. Yusei is followed by two men working for Goodwin at Bootleg, but is pulled away by Blister on his Duel Runner. Blister jams the signal emitted from Yuseis criminal mark to stop them being followed. Despite believing it to be suicide on Yuseis part, Blister helps him in infiltrating an impound warehouse to recover his Deck and Duel Runner. Disguised as an electrician, under the pseudonym Yusei Adams (Taro Daimon in the Japanese version), Yusei was able to sneak into the warehouse. When he gets to the crate, where his Duel Runner is held, he is ambushed by Trudge. Yusei hops onto his Duel Runner and smashes it through the crate. Trudge forces him into another Turbo Duel. While trying to escape, Trudge closes all the security doors, making Yuseis chances of escaping very slim. However, Blister blows up the elevator door and at ground floor, Yusei rides out while Trudge gets stuck in the elevator. Soon he catches up. After Trudge starts physically attacking Yusei, Blister arrives to help, having had a change of heart over what Yusei told him about friends. Yusei wins the Duel, but is electrocuted by a huge crowd of Security and left unconscious outside at the Tops, where the richest people live. Luna feels Yuseis pain and rushes outside with Leo, only to find Yusei outside their front door unconscious. Yusei is later given refuge by the twins Leo and Luna. In the Japanese version, he fears that he would only cause them trouble by staying, but they manage to talk him into a Duel and staying for the night. In the dub, Yusei has lost his memory after his Duel with Trudge and cant even remember his name. He Duels Leo in the hopes of regaining his memory, whilst in the Japanese version, Yusei is reminded of Rally through Leos personalities. After leaving the twins, he is threatened into participating in the Fortune Cup by Lazar. who holds his Satellite friends hostage. Yusei is later given more incentive to participate when Jack gives Stardust Dragon back and personally demands that he face him. In the quarter-finals of the Fortune Cup, Yusei faced Hunter Pace. disguised as Shira. and won, moving to the semifinals. His opponent in the semifinals is Greiger. Yusei clashes with Greiger. After Yusei defeats Greiger, Greiger attempts to take revenge on Goodwin for what he did to his village, but Yusei manages to stop him. Before security takes Greiger away, he tells Yusei to fulfill his own mission. In the dub, Yusei stops Greiger from knocking down the tower Goodwin was in to get revenge on what Goodwin did to his village, but a spike broke through the glass at the top of the tower (where Goodwin is) from the collision with Greigers Duel Runner and Yuseis Duel Runner and Goodwin stopped it with his metal hand. As security takes Greiger away, he tells Yusei to be careful in the finals in the dub. Yusei faces Akiza. a member of the Arcadia Movement. in the finals. Previously, he had thought that she only felt anger and rejection. But after Akizas first move, he notices and points out that she has a pleasure and joy for destruction. Akiza replies that cannot be true, however, later on the Duel, after people insult her again, she accepts it all because of being the Black Rose. According to her, this other side of her is the one who enjoys destruction all because of the powers caused by the Mark of the Dragon. He learns that after she was found by Sayer. he told her to feel but not to think, to let him do that for her. But even still, she puts on her mask just to feel this prompts Yusei to fight this Duel to change her. Yusei becomes the new King. By the end of the Duel begins as he says that her pain which came from all the destruction she caused was turned into one that the other Signers shared. Yusei tells her that the birthmark may hold the answer for her pain, but in order to find out, she must think and love herself. Akiza still intends to deny this by winning the Duel without noticing, as pointed out by Yusei, who has seen through her, that she is crying. Thus he eventually wins, resulting in her mask cut in half due to Cosmic Blast and after she falls, Akiza tells him to help her. He faces Jack in the championship match. Although he is pushed to a corner in the middle of the Duel, Yusei wins using various combos with Stardust Dragon to destroy Jacks Red Dragon Archfiend and becomes the new King of Turbo Duels. He tends to ignore his victory however, concerned about the vision of the Spider Nazca Line which he and Jack saw during the Duel. Dark Signers Following his victory against Jack. Yusei flees the stadium with Tanner. Yanagi. Luna. and Leo to avoid being mobbed by reporters and fans. They hide out at Blister s place at the edge of the city. Yusei spots a man with a glowing birthmark. Believing him to be a Signer. Yusei chases him to a construction site where he faces him in a Shadow Duel. The opponent reveals himself to be a Dark Signer and states their motives to destroy the Signers. After he dfeats, the main is revealed to be a street Duelist named Grady loses, who now has no memory of the Duel. His Deck changes, and his Mark of the Shadows disappears. Yusei runs away after Sector Security appears to examine the damage caused by the Shadow Duel. After returning to the hideout, Security led by Trudge track him down. Yusei walks out to meet them and says he wanted to talk to Goodwin anyway (in the dub, Yusei called Trudge to take him to Goodwin). Yusei is taken to meet Goodwin at an incomplete bridge pointing in the direction of Satellite. Here, Goodwin tells him about the battle between the Crimson Dragon and the Earthbound Immortals. where the Signer Dragonss sealed the Earthbound Immortals in the Nazca Lines. Goodwin says that those bearing the mark of the Crimson Dragon and the Earthbound Immortals servants, the Signers and Dark Signers have been battling for 5,000 years. Their battle is destined to determine the fate of the world. The Original Ener-D reactor in Satellite is a door to the Netherworld itself, which the Dark Signers plan opening, to release the evil sealed in the Nazca Lines. Yusei understands Goodwin deliberately isolated Satellite from New Domino to restrict the battlefield to Satellite, only harming the Satellite residents. Yusei requests that they evacuate Satellite, but Goodwin says cant, since it would allow the Dark Signers to target the city, ensuring a greater amount of casualties. Goodwin arranged a helicopter to airdrop Yusei and his Duel Runner into Satellite. Yusei reunites with Crow. After arriving in Satellite, Yusei is reunited with Crow. The two head back to Yuseis Satellite hideout, where he is reunited with Rally and the others. Security had been following Crow, so everyone splits up. Crow takes on the Security, and Yusei arrives to help, resulting in a Tag-Team Turbo Duel. After winning the Duel Yusei and Crow meet up with Rally and his others at Crows base under the Daedalus Bridge. Here Yusei tells his friends about the disastrous vision shown by the Crimson Dragon and the story told by Goodwin. He listens along with the others the story about the man who made the bridge. During the night both he and Crow had head to the B. A.D.. where the Original Ener-D Reactor is. They are confronted by Kalin. who is now a Dark Signer. Kalin shows great hatred to his old friends and forces Yusei into a Shadow Turbo Duel. Kalin takes the upper hand with Hundred-Eyes Dragon . Yusei is able to comeback with Stardust Dragon , but Kalin turns the tables and Summons his Earthbound Immortal , Ccapac Apu . Before Yusei is defeated his Duel Runner breaks down and the Duel is canceled. Yusei is then found impaled in the abdomen by a large shard.(In the dub, the shard and blood was removed, despite the fact that the scene in which Rally and the others watching it was not, and he is said to have cuts and bruises.) Crow takes him to Martha s in order to receive the required surgery. Dr. Schmitt. assisted by Martha manage to save Yuseis life. After waking up he sees that Rally and the others brought his Duel Runner all the way from the B. A.D. Yusei gets scolded by Martha for putting himself in danger, without asking his friends for help. She reminds Yusei of his idea of believing in friends as they will always be there supporting and helping him out. As he recovers, he checks his Duel Runner and thinks that Kalin is too powerful for him to defeat. As Akiza is about to Duel Misty Tredwell. Yuseis mark reacts. He rushes outside and sees Hummingbird and Lizard Earthbound Immortal marks. He is aware a Duel between a Signer and Dark Signer is about to begin, but is unable to assist. After Akiza is taken to the hospital, her parents turn to Yusei for help. Yusei is initially reluctant, but prompted by Martha, who teases him, asking if he had a crush on Akiza and that if they did have a special connection with her, he should ask her out, agrees to try. When Akiza awakens, she is initially glad to see Yusei, but after seeing her parents, turns against him. Unable to calm her, Yusei tries to reach her by Dueling. Yusei takes damage through the Duel, but Hideo steps in to protect him. With Hideos determination, Yusei is able to show Akiza that her parents love her. Rex Goodwins assistant, Mina Simington shows Akiza and Yusei information regarding the Arcadia Movement and Sayer s true motives, involving the abduction of children to create an army of Psychic Duelists. Yusei comforts Akiza from the devastation. Yusei and Jack fighting. The Signers are invited to Rex Goodwins house. Despite his distrust of Goodwin, Yusei decides to go, as this is the only way he get information on the Signers and Dark Signers. Yusei asks about reverting a Dark Signer back to normal. Goodwin reluctantly tells them that Dark Signers cannot be brought back as they are dead and no longer of this world. Yusei loses confidence in returning Kalin back to normal and blames himself for Kalins current state. Jack, who is sickened by Yuseis self-doubt, punches him in the hopes of returning some sense to Yusei. Jacks actions and words, along with some moral support from the twins, restores Yuseis confidence. When the four Signers return to Satellite along with Mina, Leo and Trudge meet up with Martha. They learn that Rally, Blitz. Tank. Nervin and Crow have disappeared. While everyone is sitting down to supper, Roman Goodwin interrupts. Jack wants to Duel him, but Yusei tells him that its too dangerous to Duel here with the flaming geoglyph. Yusei instructs Jack to take Martha and the kids to a safer place. Yusei Duels Roman, while accompanied by Akiza. During the Duel, two of the children are nearly sacrificed to the geoglyph however, Jack jumps his Duel Runner over the border of the geoglyph and uses his Mark of the Dragon to protect them. Martha, who was on top of a nearby damaged building with Trudge, falls into the geoglyph and gets sacrificed to Summon Romans Earthbound Immortal Uru . After Yusei Summons Stardust Dragon, Roman leaves and revives Rally as a temporary Dark Signer to face Yusei. Rally sacrifices himself to help Yusei. To avenge Rallys sacrifice, Yusei swears the Dark Signers will be defeated with everything he has. The four Signers separate and head to each of the four control units of the Original Ener-D Reactor where their respective opponent is waiting. Yusei heads towards Kalins tower, but spots a column of light coming from where Luna went. Yusei finds Leo Dueling Devack. Yusei tries to stop the Duel, but cannot due to the nature of the Shadow Duel. Yusei is left with Trudge to watch helplessly. He witnesses Luna come back and assist Leo, shortly after Devack Summoned Earthbound Immortal Cusillu . Together the twins, defeat Cusillu and Devack. Afterwards Ancient Fairy Dragon and Regulus appear to thank Luna, who tells them she couldnt have done it without Leo or Yusei. Yusei and the twins proceed to the tower to activate the control unit. When the Killer Whale geoglyph appears, Yusei finds Crow Dueling against Greiger. who is now a Dark Signer. Yusei tries to talk them out of the Duel, but both feel that they are fighting for the people they love and refuse to stop. The Crimson Dragon on Yuseis back. After Crows Duel, Yusei proceeds to Kalins tower, intending to save him, where they engage in a Shadow Turbo Duel. Towards the end of the Duel, all of the birthmarks disappeared from the Signers arms and then unite to form an image of the Crimson Dragon on Yuseis back. Because of this, Yusei is able to Summon Majestic Star Dragon and destroy Kalins Earthbound Immortal. Yusei manages to reconcile with Kalin before the Dark Signer turns into dust. Yusei heads to Roman to request a final Duel. During the Duel, he learns of what happened in the Original Ener-D Reactor incident and more about his father. Yusei manages to defeat Roman, but in the latters moment of defeat, Roman triggers an explosive that destroys the bridge they were Dueling on, leaving Yusei to fall into the pool of Ener-D. Yusei ends up in a strange place, where people who died during the Zero Reverse accident reside. The souls start to attack him, but are stopped by Yuseis father. Dr. Fudo helps Yusei to escape the Netherworld. Yusei and his companions go up through the same stairs they used before. In the distance, they see purple sparks and deduce that Jack has won his Duel and activated the third control unit. Yusei goes to the last tower, where Akiza is Dueling. He encounters Sayer in disguise, who lures him into a room. Inside, Mina is locked in a cage below. Sayer reveals himself and tells Yusei that Akiza is not a friend but a mind slave of his. He quickly subdues Yusei and throws him into the cage with Mina. Before leaving, Sayer seals the cage by using a Hinotama and fills the cage with water before leaving them to die. After being rescued by Trudge, Yusei confronts Sayer, who by then has gained control of Akiza. They get into a fight and Sayer reveals that he was the one who killed Mistys brother, Toby. Just when Yusei was about to be blown off the building, he tricks Sayer into revealing this to Misty through his Duel Disks microphone. Yuseis arm with the Head Mark After Sayer is eaten by Mistys Earthbound Immortal, Yusei snaps Akiza out of her daze and she manages to defeat Misty. However, the sun sets before they can activate the control unit, and so the Condor geoglyph appears in the sky. Yusei, Jack and Crow face the last Dark Signer, Rex Goodwin in a 3-on-1 Shadow Turbo Duel. Crow protects Yusei from the effect of Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca , and his Life Points become 1. Yusei and Jack continue the Duel without Crow. After Jack is unable to Duel, Yusei has his Life Points reduced to 1. The Crimson Dragon mark on Rex disappears and three of the five birthmarks return to their original owners, with the Head Birthmark instead going to Yusei and the Tail Birthmark choosing a new owner in Crow. Yusei then summons Majestic Star Dragon and defeats Rex. The Crimson Dragon uses Majestic Star Dragon to gain a physical form and destroy the King of the Netherworld. Pre-World Racing Grand Prix Half a year after the Duel with Rex Goodwin. Yusei spends most of his time preparing his Duel Runner for the World Turbo Grand Prix. He assists in investigating damage to Duel Runners, caused by Ghost and ends up Dueling him. When it appeared that Yusei was beginning to get the upper hand, Ghost Summons his Synchro Killer, Meklord Emperor Wisel . Utilizing Majestic Star Dragon , Yusei was able to defeat Ghost and discovered that he was a robot. After meeting with Trudge. he explained that the robot he faced was known as a Duelbot and that it was a test robot designed to see if they could be used in Sector Security s forces. Yusei feels that something big was coming and had to prepare for the worst. He goes to Duel Academy and Duels Heitmann. a teacher who plans to expel Leo and Luna s class because they are weak for using low Level monsters. Using some cards that the kids gave him, he wins the Duel and proves that low-Level monsters can overcome high-Level ones. Yusei later has the misfortune of being targeted by a rival team from the Grand Prix and kidnapped. He is rescued by Akiza and as the two of them escape from the truck he was trapped in, a female Turbo Duelist named Sherry LeBlanc appears. Yusei and Sherry then engage in a Turbo Duel. with Akiza witnessing as shes sitting on his Runner. Sherry offers Yusei a spot on her team for the World Racing Grand Prix. Sherry questions him, asking him what is his purpose. The Duel finishes with no result. Yusei then asks Jack to Turbo Duel to see if he can win without using a Synchro Summon. Jack ends the Duel with no result, not able to take Yusei seriously if he isnt using Synchroes. Later, he and the others went to the WRGP celebration, but in the middle of the celebration, a partycrasher by the name of Dobocle interrupted it. After he was stopped by Akizas Black Rose Dragon , Trudge sent reinforcements after him, but Primo got to him earlier. One of the Security agents thought that he was Ghost, so he informed Trudge. After Yusei heard that, he quickly went to follow Ghost, but he is then challenged by the mysterious masked Duelist, Vizor. Vizor shows Yusei how he can surpass his own limits through the use of a new method: Accel Synchro Summon. Yusei is intrigued and vows to surpass his limits, because he knows that Accel Synchro Summoning is the only way to beat Meklord Emperor Wisel . Yusei watches Akiza during her Duel Runner lessons, and helps her improve and learn various Duel Runner tricks. When Akiza passes her Turbo Dueling exam by Dueling Trudge, Yusei congratulates her and welcomes her to the world of Turbo Dueling. After these events Leo asks Yusei to construct him a Duel Board so he can Duel with Lester. After a night of construction he completed the board for him. The next day Yusei notices his mark glowing, signaling him that Lunas Dueling. After Luna and Leo lost their fight with Lester hes determined to defeat Ghost and his Wisel Infinity and learn about Accel Synchro. Crow has always known Yusei as a man who keeps his feelings to himself rather than share them with his friends. Yusei left before Jack and Crow woke up one morning to try and match the speed of Accel Synchro. He believes that he lucked out during his Turbo Duel with Ghost and that he wouldve lost had the Crimson Dragon not shown up in time. YJack and Crow later find him, and he reveals his unease around Ghost. He also tells them that he suspects that Iliaster is behind everything, as Roman had told him that it was a man from Iliaster who set him down the path of becoming a Dark Signer. Furthermore, they are using the WRGP for a plan, if Sherrys story proves true. The three decide to work towards mastering Vizors Accel Synchro as a means to effectively combat the new Iliaster plot and protect the city. Yusei working on engine program with Bruno . Mina and Trudge invite Yusei, Jack, and Crow to dinner, attempting to convince them to take in Bruno. an amnesiac with mechanical aptitude. After a mishap in which Jack believes Bruno vandalized his Duel Runner, Yusei takes up the favor and clears the misunderstanding. The two bond due to similar knowledge and make progress with developing the engine. Later that night, while the four are asleep, someone breaks in and steals the engine program. The next morning, they try to hack into Securitys database, which includes a Duel Puzzle. After Crow and Jack fail the simulation, Bruno steps in and easily beats the simulation. Finding out that Lazar has stolen the engine program, they follow Lazar through a mall, where they almost lose sight of him due to holographic technology. Bruno and Yusei follow Lazar to a factory, where they are separated. Bruno goes to call for help while Yusei finds and subdues Lazar. Using the stolen program, Primo activates a legion of Duelbots, and leaves after activating a self-destruct sequence to destroy the factory. Primo also traps Yusei and Lazar in a room with a Guard Robot programmed with knowledge of Yuseis strategies and a Lockdown Deck designed to stall him as the self-destruct sequence counts down. While the rest of his friends escape, Yusei defeats the robot, and Lazar helps Yusei escape. Lazar warns Yusei about the enemies he will be facing before departing. 3D Bonds Beyond Time Yusei with Yugi and Jaden. Yusei appears in Yu-Gi-Oh 3D Bonds Beyond Time . where he joins forces with Yugi Muto and Jaden Yuki to face off against Paradox. a Turbo Duelist who can travel through time, and to save Stardust Dragon , who was stolen from him by Paradox While Yusei is riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan. he is suddenly challenged to a Turbo Duel by Paradox. Yusei quickly Summons Stardust Dragon by tuning his Junk Synchron with Junk Warrior . Paradox, however, has been waiting for this, as he uses his powers to capture Stardust Dragon and create a Malefic copy. Paradox bids Yusei farewell and tells him to perish along with his era, as he disappears into the past. Yusei, Jack and Crow then start questioning Paradoxs identity at their garage, when Akiza Izinski. Leo and Luna arrive and show the archives they found about the past. They found an old article about Maximillion Pegasus and Yugi Muto, with Yusei recognizing Yugi as a legendary Duelist. They also discovery a record of Stardust Dragon assaulting various Duelists in Europe. Knowing that Stardust Dragon could not have existed in that era, Yusei zooms in on the articles picture to discover Paradox standing in the background of the dragons. Outside, New Domino City begins to crumble and collapse. Witnessing the destruction, Jack Atlas realizes that the existence of Stardust Dragon in the past is changing the future - which is their present. With the support of the other Signers. their marks begin to glow as the complete Crimson Dragon mark appears on Yuseis back followed by Yuseis Duel Runner glowing as well. Yusei feels himself being called by the Crimson Dragon and the Crimson Dragon instructs Yusei to board his Runner. With its help, a time slip is opened and Yusei begins his chase after Paradox. The Crimson Dragon intercepts the attack of Stardust Dragon on Jaden and Elemental Hero Neos , disappearing in the process. Paradox is confused by Yuseis appearance in the past, as Yusei looks at Stardust Dragon before Paradox takes his leave. Yusei and Jaden then chat on a roof, with Yusei explaining that Paradoxs true aim is to travel through time to distort the past. Jaden uses his laptop to find an article about the event that Paradox caused that would create a major historical event. Jaden then checks his card, as his Neos card turn into a blank card. As the country began to collapse, Yusei tells Jaden that they must hurry to save the world. Using the Crimson Dragons power, the two travel to the time of Yugi Muto after Paradox attacked the crowd with Cyber End Dragon , killing almost everybody, including Pegasus, and Yugis grandfather, Solomon Muto. Yugi was the only survivor amongst the ruins, as he mourned over his grandfathers death. The Crimson Dragon takes Yugi back in time at the same place half an hour earlier. Yusei and Jaden confront Yugi and ask for his help against Paradox. Yugi agrees to help. At the event, Jaden Summons Yubel to to scare the audience so they would flee. Paradox arrived at the event again, but this time, was confronted by Yusei, Jaden, and Yugi. Paradox explains how he came from a world destroyed by Duel Monsters . He plans to destroy the game to prevent that future from happening. Although the three tried to persuade him that the future can be changed in other ways, Paradox refuses to listen, and a 3-on-1 Duel begins with Yugi, Jaden and Yusei sharing 4000 Life Points. Yusei shows his skills as a Synchro Duelist by Summoning Junk Synchron . However, after Yugi manages to rescue Stardust Dragon and destroy Paradoxs Malefic Paradox Dragon , Paradox Special Summons his most powerful card, Malefic Truth Dragon . He then fuses himself with the dragon, and destroys all of Yusei, Jaden and Yugis monsters on the field. Yusei loses hope, until Yami Yugi and Jaden manage to convince him to keep fighting until the end. With new hope, Yusei manages to re-Summon the monsters Paradox destroyed in his last turn and gets a power boost from Trap Cards played by Yami Yugi and Jaden, increasing the ATK of Stardust Dragon to 10000, allowing him to destroy Malefic Truth Dragon and defeat Paradox. With Paradox defeated, all the damage he caused is repaired. Yusei bids farewell to Yugi and Jaden, believing that they will meet again before returning to his own timeline, where his friends await. He questions whether or not the future Paradox spoke of is true or not, but he knows that they are the ones who decide the future. Yusei promises Yugi and Jaden that he will protect his irreplaceable friends and future. Crash Town Yusei dueling Kalin. Later, Yusei travels out far to a small western town called Crash Town. a location that is a battleground for two gangs. one side has his friend, Kalin. He observes from up on a cliff where he meets Barbara who explains the history of the city. The Duel Gangs in the area Duel for money, but if they lose, they become slaves and are forced to mine in a mountain for the rest of their life. Yusei watches a Duel between Kalin and The Giant which he quickly wins in one turn. After the Duel he tries to call out to him as he is riding away, but Kalin simply rides off, paying little mind to his appearance. Yusei realizes that he needs to Duel him to get him back, and he and Barbara create a plan to rescue him when he loses. Joining the opposing gang, Yusei Duels Kalin the next day. During the Duel, Kalin reveals his guilt for becoming a Dark Signer and fighting Yusei, and thus wishes for defeat so that he may die. When Yusei defeats Kalin, however, Barbara double-crosses him, which causes him to be hauled off to the mountain along with his friend as Lawton arrives. Yusei disables the shock collar around his neck and attempts to convince Kalin to escape with him, knocking him out when he refuses. Yusei takes Kalin and escapes into the mine, retrieving his Duel Runner with the help of West and Nicko. When Lawton appears to stop them, Yusei initiates a Turbo Duel with him to allow his friends to escape, almost losing to Gatling Ogre . The Duel in interrupted due to Kalins appearance, and Lawton uses dynamite to escape, throwing Yusei and Kalin off the mountain. Returning to the town (recently renamed Lawtown Town), Yusei and Kalin Duel Lawton. When Lawton is pushed into a corner, however, Barbara takes West and Nicko hostage and demand Kalin and Yuseis surrender. With the arrival of Crow and Jack. Lawton attempts to escape, but Kalin borrows Yuseis Duel Runner and finishes Lawton off. With Lawton defeated and the town renamed Satisfaction Town, Yusei, Jack, and Crow bid farewell to Kalin, who stays behind in the liberated town. World Racing Grand Prix After the events at Satisfaction Town. Yusei returned to New Domino City where he meets with Trudge and Mina to find out more about Bruno. However, a bomb explodes and another bomb threat is issued, causing an evacuation of Sector Security headquaters, but Yusei and Bruno are unable to escape. Finding Sherry LeBlanc. who set off the first bomb, they pursue her, but her butler Elsworth is able to stop Yusei and challenge him to a Duel. Yusei defeats the butler, and convinces him to try and stop Sherry. As they enter the room where Sherry was attempting to analyze a mysterious card. the analysis computer mysteriously begins to glow and the four are transported to a mysterious white space with a comma-shaped machine. which analyzes them. The four wake up on the shore shortly after the event. He later appeared to help Crow work out the kinks in his Duel Runner with Brunos help, finding a strange circuit in the process. He later watched Crows Duel against Bolton and is the first to know that he is Dueling with an Anti-Blackwing Deck. While watching the Duel, his birthmark, along with Crows and Jack s, began to glow as Crow Summons his Signer Dragon Black-Winged Dragon . Crow defeats Bolton, who is arrested but gives the three new, more powerful engines. Forming Team 5Ds for the WRGP. the group headed out to the practice track to get a feel for their new engines. During this practice run, Crow accidentally ran into a member of Team Unicorn. Breo. Andre. the teams ace, challenges Yusei to a Turbo Duel, which he accepts. During the Duel Yusei realizes that Andre can analyze every possible scenario before playing his cards, like himself. Summoning Stardust Dragon , Yusei attempts to seize victory, but the time limit for the practice run stops the Duel. He also notices he did not have a confirmed victory because of Andres unknown Set card. During the first round in the WRGP, Yusei faced off against all three members of Team Unicorn because Jack and Akiza lost to Andre, who had shifted his own strategy to counter Jacks Power Deck. Yusei was able to claim victory over Andre, who managed to halve Yuseis Life Points with Magic Charge before losing. He then struggles against Breo s Mill Deck, but manages to defeat him with Junk Destroyer . Yusei then barely defeats Jean without any cards in his Deck, as Jean had decided to try to end the Duel by damage instead of Deck Out With this, Yusei pulled off a seemingly-impossible victory and won the first match of the preliminaries. He celebrated their first victory with his teammates when Sherry arrived to discuss what had happened to them up until now. They discussed the events about Ghost and the Meklord Emperor monsters. Lester. and what she, Yusei, and Bruno saw that day at the Sector Securitys compound. They also discussed the Imposter Jack Atlas. Sherry believed that Iliaster was behind all this and that they are being targeted because they are the Signers, which everyone is shocked to hear that Sherry knows about. The next day, Yusei, Jack, and Crow decided to see how Team Unicorn is doing in their match. Once they got there, they discovered that they lost due to their Duel Runners crashing unexpectedly in their match against Team Catastrophe. While reviewing the Duel, they figured out that when ever a player crashes, the Team Catastrophe member had Hook the Hidden Knight on the field. At the same time, Akiza gwas involved in an accident similar to the one Crow was in and fell into a coma. They know that Team Catastrophe was behind this and decided to beat them fair and square in the tournament to pay them back. Yusei and the rest of Team 5Ds watched Crows Duel very closely to see what is the relationship between the crashes and the monster, Hook. They soon discovered that after its effect activated, a hooked hand appeared from the shadow of its opponents Duel Runner and caused their wheel to lock up. Even with this deadly monster on the field, Crow managed to stay in the game long enough, despite his still wounded shoulder, to win the Duel, destroying Hook, and trading places with Jack. After the first two turns of the Duel, Team 5Ds managed to win the second Duel due to Nicolass Duel Runner being destroyed by his own cards effect. Both of the cards were given to Team Catastrophe by Primo in an attempt to eliminate Team 5Ds from WRGP. After his plan failed, he unleashed an army of Duelbots called Diablo into New Domino City and engaged Battle Royal mode. Yusei surrounded by the Diablo . Because of that, Yusei and others decided to fight against the Diablo army. Yusei teamed up with Sherry and Elsworth, while Jack paired with Security officer Kaz in an attempt to stop the Duelbots. After they defeated some of them, Primo sent all the remaining Duelbots to the trio. They quickly defeated Elsworth and Sherry, leaving Yusei to fight alone. Bruno. who saw this, wanted to help Yusei. A voice in his mind reminded him of his task this prompted him to get his Duel Runner and go to help Yusei. Transforming into Vizor, he helps Yusei escape from the Duelbots. Fed up, Primo faces Yusei on his own. Vizor stalls Primo with a Duel so Yusei can obtain the last element needed to obtain his Clear Mind. Yusei overcomes his fear of Meklord Emperor Wisel , causing a tablet to fall from the sky. Touching the tablet transports him to the white space where the comma-shaped machine stood, which gives him a blank card. Returning to the city, Yusei Duels Primo, who merges with his Duel Runner. Primo, determined to win, used stolen Skiel parts to boost the power of his Meklord Emperor. This gives Primo an advantage, and his remarks prevent Yusei from using Clear Mind. Primos Wisel absorbs Stardust Dragon, but Yusei is able to retrieve it and finally Accel Synchro Summon his new Shooting Star Dragon , whose effect destroys Wisel and eliminates Primos Life Points. With Primos body destroyed, Jakob and Lester appear to take his remains. Jakob explains the teams purpose to Yusei, Jack, and Crow, obtains his Granel tablet, and leaves. Yusei then accompanied Jack to Greiger s hometown after receiving an e-mail from him saying that Jack needed to find a new method of fighting. While Jack was absent, Yusei talked with Greiger, who realized that he was used by The Crimson Devil. Later he went with Greiger and Max to temple where Jack was Dueling the Familiar of Red Nova. and witnessed as Jack obtains Blazing Soul and defeats the familiar. Later, he went with Jack, Crow and Bruno to search for cup ramen, Jacks favorite, because they were sold out. There they met a disguised Lazar. but before Yusei could ask him about Iliaster, he disappeared. Yusei, Jack, and Crow lure Lazar into a trap, and Yusei uses a tracking device to corner him as he escapes. After Crow defeats Lazar, Yusei helps interrogate him about Iliaster, who takes them to an arcade game with stored information. Yusei helps complete the Duel Puzzle needed to enter the password, and they see that the Moment Express Development Organization was involved in the scheme. Yusei, Sherry and Bruno disguised as Daniel, Eva and Timothy Yusei and the others then went to Rick. Boltons former associate (whom Bolton had ordered to aide them in any way needed just before his arrest), in order to find information about the Moment Express Development Organization. He agreed to help them infiltrate the headquarters under the guise that they were testing their Duel Runner-sized Ener-D engines. Yusei, Sherry, and Bruno enter the building and began investigating the company, including their mysterious Infinity machine. Sneaking into the office of Clark Smith. the Moment Express President, Bruno and Sherry obtain an access key to the highest-security checkpoint at the facility while Yusei distracts him with a Concentration Duel. Yusei is barely able to defeat Clark, who used underhanded techniques to gain an edge. Clark then activated an alarm and trapped the three in shuttle. forcing them through a wormhole using Infinity. Sherry is sucked into the wormhole while Yusei and Bruno are transported to the future, where Dr. Fudo appears and sends them back. Because Clark revealed his plans to the three, Iliaster promptly changes history to erase Moment Express from existence. When Yusei and Bruno return to their own time, they realize that Iliaster has entered the finals as Team New World. and Lazar is promoted as the new Director of Sector Security to keep the WRGP in operation. Yusei, Jack, and Crow decide to train in order to defeat Team New World, and in the process meet Team Taiyo. a kind group who they help to fix their Duel Runner. However, they quickly realize that their next match is against the very same team. In the wake of Team Taiyos Zushin the Sleeping Giant , Yusei was able to defeat the team using cards left over from his friends. After some time, Yusei, Jack and Crow met Team Ragnarok. Leader of the team, Halldor. explained to them how they got Aesir cards. After Yusei asked to combine their strength with them, Halldor refused, saying that Yuseis father was responsible for the Zero Reverse and they believe Yusei might be trying to continue the destruction his father left behind. Halldor challenged Team 5Ds tomorrow, saying that team who win will have right to Duel Team New World in the finals. Yusei accepted, saying that he and his friends cannot afford to lose. Yusei enters the final stretch of Team 5Ds match against Team Ragnarok against Haldor. Even though Jack and Crow manage to defeat their opponents, Dragan and Broder. their ace cards, Thor, Lord of the Aesir and Loki, Lord of the Aesir remain on the field due to their ability to Special Summon themselves from the Graveyard. In his first turn, Harald Synchro Summons Odin, Father of the Aesir and starts a powerful assault on Yusei. Odins effect nullifies Yuseis Spell and Trap Cards. but Yusei is able to Summon Majestic Star Dragon and later Shooting Star Dragon, finally stopping the Aesir and defeating Team Ragnarok. During the Duel between Team 5Ds and Team New World, Yusei watches the first two Duels and feels that both Lester and Primo held back considerably, eventually realizing their strategy revolving around their Infinite Aura . When Jack fails to destroy it, Jakob quickly Summoned Meklord Emperor Granel , which promptly destroyed and absorbed Red Nova Dragon , defeating Jack in one turn. Crow attempted to fight back with his Blackwings , but also fell to the colossal monster, sacrificing his Life Points to pass his Black-Winged Dragon to Yusei. Jakob then reveals the destroyed future to Team 5Ds, but Yusei chooses to continue the Duel, using Black-Winged Dragon to Summon his own Stardust Dragon and Accel Synchro Summon Shooting Star Dragon, which destroys Granel with its effect. With Granel destroyed, the Three Pure Nobles merge into Aporia. who Summons his Meklord Astro Mekanikle and absorbs Shooting Star Dragon. Yusei struggles against this new monster, but is finally able to call on his friends best monsters to his side, and destroys Meklord Astro Mekanikle with Crows Black-Winged Dragon, Jacks Red Nova Dragon, and his Shooting Star Dragon. With this, the WRGP is finished with Team 5Ds as the winner after a long tournament. However, the Grand Design is completed and the Divine Temple appears in the sky, ready to crash into New Domino City. Yusei resolves to stop the giant structure, but Sherry suddenly communicates with him through his Duel Runner and warns him that death will await him if he boards the Temple. Ark Cradle Despite knowing what future he may have if he went, Yusei decides to go up to Divine Temple. At first, he planned on going alone, but the rest of the team convinced him to let them go with him and fight by his side. With the help of Team Ragnarok and Vizor, they make it to Divine Temple. They were suddenly separated into three groups because of a trap. Yusei travels with Vizor to the center of Divine Temple. Vizor and Yusei reach their Planetary Gear and find that there was no opponent there to face them. However four orbs float towards Vizor and engulf him in light, forcing a complete return of his memories. Vizor then faces Yusei and removes his visor, revealing his true identity. He identifies himself as Antinomy, who is an ally of Z-one and Yuseis opponent. Yusei is reluctant to face Antinomy, knowing that he was Bruno, but thinking of his mission and everyone that was relying on him, he accepts the Duel. Antinomy and Yusei mount their Duel Runners and the setting changes to outer space, where the two of them ride along a white path near a star, which becomes a black hole that the loser would be sucked into. Antinomy begins his assault quickly by Synchro Summoning T. G. Hyper Librarian on his first turn. allowing him to draw a card for each Synchro Summon. Though Yusei tries to destroy it with Junk Berserker , Antinomy blocks that attack and, during his turn, performs an Accel Synchro Summon to bring out his T. G. Blade Blaster which does a great amount of damage to Yusei, putting his Life Points at 1600. After that, Yusei performs an Accel Synchro as well and counter-attacks, decreasing Antinomys Life Points to 1800. Antinomy then tells to Yusei that Accel Synchro is nothing more than a mere exhibit and, by putting T. G. Blade Blaster back into the Extra Deck and bringing back its material monsters, along with Synchro Summoning T. G. Recipro Dragonfly , Antinomy performs a Delta Accel Synchro. bringing out T. G. Halberd Cannon . Due to its effect. Antinomy was able to prevent Yusei from banishing his Shooting Star Dragon , as well as allowing Yusei to Summon a monster. However, Yusei then pulls off a combo with his weakened Shooting Star Dragon with Balance Shooter and Endure Soul to successfully defeat Antinomy. As the black hole starts to absorb Yusei and Antinomy, Antinomy tells Yusei to save the world. Yusei, confused, seeing how Antinomy was trying to destroy New Domino City. asks why. Antinomy responds that despite him getting his memories back, he has seen Yuseis possibilities, and thus believes in him. Yusei calls to Antinomy as Bruno, to remind him that he was a part of Team 5Ds, as well as their friend. Remembering his memories with the team, Bruno tells Yusei to master the Delta Accel Synchro. As Brunos Duel Runner falls behind, Yusei tries to save Bruno, but Bruno reminds him that only the winner could escape. Bruno then removes his visor and uses his Runner to push Yusei out of the dimension, and falls back himself after doing so. After Yusei escapes the dimension, he sees Brunos damaged visor and mourns over his death. Once he caught up to the rest of the team and Sherry (who had been defeated by Crow and Akiza ) he informed them of his Duel with Bruno and that he showed him a way to defeat Z-one. They all found Z-one in a strange room filled with junk. Once they confronted Z-one, Aporia appeared and challenged him to a Duel, having regained his sense of hope in his Duel with Jack. Leo and Luna. However, Aporia quickly falls to the might of Z-ones Timelords and gives Yuseis Duel Runner the power of flight to fight Z-one with. Yusei receives the other Signer Dragons from his friends and begins his battle against Z-one. Yusei Duel Z-one with great skill and power, Summoning his friends Signer Dragons despite Z-ones tactics. When Yusei deals damage to Z-one, however, his mask breaks, revealing a mark similar to Yuseis mark. After Z-one explains his appearance, he Summons and overwhelms Yusei with five Timelords. Yusei struggles to defend himself with Ancient Fairy Dragon , but a shockwave from the Divine Temple colliding with New Domino City throws him off his Duel Runner. Yusei was close to giving up, but seeing his father one last time before he recovered gave him the inspiration he needed. With this he achieves Over Top Clear Mind and uses his friends Signer Dragons to Limit Over Accel Synchro Summon his final monster, Shooting Quasar Dragon , which decimates the Timelords. When Z-one counterattacks with the final Timelord, Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord , Yusei uses his final card, Converging Wishes . It allows him to Summon his Stardust Dragon . Yusei declares that his dragon is the combined form of everyones wishes, and it will not lose. He activates another effect of Converging Wishes, which increases his monsters ATK by the total number of ATK for every Dragon - Type Synchro Monster in his Graveyard raising its ATK to 23000 and by sending the Signer Dragons back to his Deck, for each one, he can force a battle with Sephylon. One by one, the dragons of the Signers break through the Timelords shields, eliminating Z-ones last defense. With the combined wishes of everyone in New Domino City, Yusei attacks with Stardust Dragon, obliterating Z-ones Life Points and sending him crashing down. The Duel ends in Yuseis victory. After the Crimson Dragon transports his friends away from the Divine Temple, Yusei flies at its core with the intent of sacrificing his own life to stop the structure (believing it will be his final role to the city). Z-one then appears to redeem himself, rescuing Yusei and sacrificing himself instead. Yusei then returns to his friends, who are overjoyed to see him after his supposed death. Team 5Ds future Yusei as a scientist. Yusei and Jack Dueling for the last time. Sometime after his Duel with Z-one. Yusei becomes a researcher for New Domino City and invents Fortune. a program that will ultimately prevent the Meklord Emperor Genocide from occurring. However, he is unsure if he wants to continue as a researcher or continue on as a Duelist. After a call with Crow. he decides to throw a party for all his friends. During the party, Jack challenges Yusei to a Duel to regain his former title to which Yusei himself accepts. Despite a valiant effort on Jacks part, Yusei defeats Jack, who decides to leave New Domino to pursue his own future. The night before everyone goes their separate ways, Yusei shares one last moment with Akiza. who is trying to confess to him her feelings before they leave each other. Yusei takes her hand, and the two stare into each others eyes intimately. Yusei decides to stay in New Domino to protect it, as he says farewell to Akiza, who has decided to study medicine abroad, Crow, who has decided to leave to return to Dueling, and to Leo and Luna. who are leaving to live with their parents. With one last ride together, the Crimson Dragon appears and removes all the Signer marks, allowing the heroes, including Yusei, to move on to their respective futures without the heavy destiny of protecting the world. Yusei is the only member of the team whose future is not shown after this. Relationships Jack Atlas Jack and Yusei have known each other since they were children. Along with Crow they always seemed to be together. When they were in their teens, they joined The Enforcers. led by Kalin. After Kalin was arrested, Jack was offered the chance to go to New Domino City and become the Duel King. Jack and Yusei still seemed to be best friends, but when Jack tied Rally up and put him in a boat, he gave Yusei the option to either Duel him, or save Rally. When Yusei went to save Rally, Jack stole his Stardust Dragon and his Duel Runner and took off to New Domino City to become a Duel King under Rex Goodwin. Their friendship then ended (in the dub, Yusei grew a grudge towards Jack for betraying his trust and friendship and is much more angry about what Jack did). Most of the animes first season is driven by Yusei and Jacks rivalry. When it is discovered that Yusei and Jack are both Signers. whose destiny it is to save the world from the Dark Signers. they are forced to work together despite their differences. Their friendship is then finally fully repaired when Jack (during his, Crows and Yuseis Duel with Rex Goodwin) admits to before how he knew it, he ended up in a group of pests and how he cannot escape what is known as a bond and tells Rex Goodwin people dont get easily lonely. From then on, Yusei and Jack became best friends again. Crow Hogan Yusei and Crow have been friends since they were children. The two trust each other as much as Jack and Yusei trust each other. However, there are instances where Yusei and Crow will disagree with each other. Despite this though, Yusei and Crow still respect the others decision and support each other. Akiza Izinski Akiza and Yusei are both experienced Duelists and Signers. Yusei has helped out Akiza many times and she always tries to return the favor by helping him, hinting at her special feelings for him. It is not exactly shown straight out whether Yusei shares the same feelings for Akiza, though Martha appeared to be aware of them as she has teased him about liking her. 21 Also, in the English version, he made no objections when Martha said Yusei was right and that Akiza was pretty. 22 Also in the English dub, he states that she is beautiful like her Black Rose Dragon during their Duel in the Fortune Cup finals. As well in the original version until after their battle with the Dark Signers, Yusei would often refer to Akiza by her last name Izayoi but as the series progressed would refer to her by her first name Aki this could be a form of Yusei becoming closer to Akiza. Yusei has displayed protectiveness and care for Akiza. 23 When Lyndon held Akizas hands in some manner, Yusei pulled Lyndon back rather forcefully, as though it was out of jealousy, and Akiza has a shocked look on her face after this. 24 Also, when Akiza applies for her Duel Runner license, Yusei takes her to a rollerblading arena to help her learn where Leo and Luna comment that it feels like a date. He has also demonstrated that he has a considerable amount of trust in her, since he gives her his Stardust Dragon to use against Andre during the WRGP. 25 Also, the night before they all left, he talked with Akiza alone in his garage. Akiza blushed while trying to confess to him, but then decided not to. They continued their conversation until they took each others hands, and the two gazed at each other with the other persons image in their eyes. 26 Leo and Luna Leo and Luna helped Yusei have a place to stay after he escaped Sector Security. The two look up to Yusei as an older brother or father figure, since their real ones are not with them most of the time. In the English dub, however, Yusei lost his memory and Leo called him, Mister Amnesia Man. Leo also said that he was a superhero, while Luna insisted that he was a knight in shining armor. Leo seems to idolize Yusei, as he is always trying to help Yusei. When Yusei was going to Turbo Duel Greiger. Leo snuck into his garage to see his Duel Runner to help Yusei. The twins both look up to Yusei for his strength, courage, and protectiveness of his friends. Kalin Kessler Yusei met Kalin back at a young age when he was in a group known as The Enforcers with Jack and Crow. Kalin was the leader of this group, and it is said by Jack that all three of them thought of Kalin as their savior. 27 Yusei has a higher respect and concern for Kalin than Jack and Crow, as he was the only one who stayed when The Enforcers separated. 28 He tried to give himself up to Sector Security in order to save Kalin from punishment. Even after Kalin attempted to take his own life, Yusei continued to try to save him. 29 Later in the series, after Kalins resurrection, Yusei received a letter and headed out to Crash Town to bring Kalin to his senses, after he claimed he wanted to die in a Duel. 30 Sherry LeBlanc Starting from Season 2, Sherry showed an interest in having Yusei joining her WRGP Team and seen in later episodes trying to convince him to join. However, despite her attempts, Yusei refuses, saying that he will win the tournament with his friends. Despite this, the two are on good terms with each other and can even work together in a Duel. Yusei cares for her safety, always trying to convince her to not get too close to the tournament because of the danger he even tries to save her when he, her and Bruno are launched into space. In short, the two are good friends despite their agendas. Yusei mourns over Brunos death. The two have very similar interests, the first and foremost being the upgrading of Duel Runners. and due to this, they bonded very fast, to the extent that when they were doing a project, they were so absorbed in their own work that they didnt even notice anyone elses presence in the room. 31 Yusei is shown to care about Bruno, first not wanting to believe he is Antinomy. 32 After the second Duel with Antinomy ended with Yuseis win, he tried to prevent Bruno from being sucked into the black hole. However, Bruno sacrificed his life to save Yusei, which left Yusei in tears while screaming his name. 20 Yusei actually kept Brunos glasses, which is shown in the final image on the extended ending. Non-canon appearances Evolving Duel Stardust VS Red Demons Although Jack struggles to defeat his rival, Yusei still ultimately wins, by attacking Red Dragon Archfiend with Stardust Dragon in combination with Skill Successor and Synchro Destructor . Scripted Duels

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