Friday, 18 August 2017

Citi hires fx options director

Nasihat Hollywood Reporter Hollywood untuk Tuan Rumah Oscar Jimmy Kimmel: quotDont Fk It Upquot Ryan Gosling, Denzel Washington, Octavia Spencer dan lebih banyak calon menawarkan saran mereka kepada orang pertama dengan quotmaybe kesempatan terbesar yang pernah dimiliki seorang komedian tahun ini. quot Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot 4: 039Moonlight039 quotEverything I Think Sebuah Gambar Oscar Seharusnya, quot 039La La Land039 quot A Piece of Shitquot Jodie Foster di UTA Rally: Waktu Kuarsa untuk Show Up. Ini Waktu untuk Engagequot Rally 039United Voices039 diadakan menggantikan pesta tahunan Academy Awards agensi. Katherine Heigl Starrer 039Doubt039 Dibatalkan di CBS Setelah 2 Episode Pertunjukan midseason yang dibintangi Katherine Heigl dan Laverne Cox telah ditarik dari jadwal dan tidak jelas kapan atau jika 11 episode tersisa akan disiarkan. Oscar yang Luar Biasa Jujur Oscar Pemilih Veteran Mengungkapkan Suara Terberatnya yang Luar Biasa: Meryl Streep quotLike a Clown, quot 039La La Land039 quotNot Memorable, quot 039Arrival039 quotJust Suckedquot Puji Oscar yang Luar Biasa 2: 039La La Land039 quotTerikan Sedikit Cahaya, quot Barry Really Jenny a Poetquot Suara Luar Biasa Jujur Oscar: Denzel Washington quotTalks Too Much, quot 039La La Land039 quotTransport Mequot Watch THRs Aktor Penuh Roundtable dengan Casey Affleck, Jeff Bridges dan Aktor Lebih Oscar Roundtable Watch THRs Aktris Lengkap Roundtable dengan Emma Stone, Natalie Portman, Isabelle Huppert dan Lainnya Aktris Oscar Roundtable Watch THRs Full Director Roundtable dengan Denzel Washington, Mel Gibson dan Lainnya Direktur Oscar Roundtable Watch THRs Full Producer Roundtable dengan Matt Damon, Marc Platt, Frank Marshall dan Producer Oscar Roundtable Watch THRs Full Writer Roundtable dengan Kenneth Lonergan, Tom Ford, Pedro Almodovar dan More Writer Roundtable Jangan pernah melewatkan satu cerita pun. Tetap up-to-date dengan THR039s Today in Entertainment newsletter. Isu Minggu Ini Mengapa Oscar Masih Cetakan Oleh Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Cuban, Liza Minnelli, Matt Damon, Dakota Johnson, Olivia de Havilland, Michael Ovitz, Neil deGrasse Tyson dan lebih banyak lagi 19 A-Listers Hollywood Mengapa Oscar Masih Cetakan ( Dan One Who Says They Don039t) Ahli Narsisisme Menganalisis Trump0s tentang Tweets Tentang Oscar: Dia Ingin Dihormati oleh Hollywood (Kolom Tamu) Oscar 2017: Siapa yang Akan Menang, Siapa yang Harus Menang I Apakah Carrie Fisher09 Tahun Oscar Tanggal: Spielberg, Lucas dan seorang 3 am Afterparty Dengan John Belushi Pemenang Oscar John Irving Mendorong Hollywood untuk Mendapatkan Politik dengan Ucapan Terima Kasih dengan Ucapan Terima Kasih (Kolom Tamu) Berlangganan NowChina Box Office: 039Resident Evil: Bab039 Terbaru Debut ke Massion 33M Leomus Films yang berbasis di Beijing, mitra pemasaran lokal Pada rilis tersebut, kini meramalkan 85 juta untuk akhir pekan penuh. 039 Hari Minggu di Taman Dengan George039: Review Teater Mengulangi peran mereka di Broadway setelah pentas konser yang diakui, Jake Gyllenhaal dan Annaleigh Ashford menggali lebih jauh musikal tengara tentang seni oleh Stephen Sondheim dan James Lapine. 039Fun Home039: Review Teater Pemenang Tony Award tahun 2015 untuk musikal terbaik tiba di Teater Ahmanson di Los Angeles dengan perusahaan tur yang kuat di tengah serangan administrasi Trump terhadap hak LGBT. 039If I Forget039: Review Teater Kate Walsh kembali ke panggung New York dalam drama baru ini oleh penulis buku 039Dear Evan Hansen039 Steven Levenson, di mana sebuah keluarga berjuang dengan isu-isu pribadi dan politik. 039Kid Victory039: Tinjauan Teater Seorang remaja berjuang untuk hidup dengan akibat kejahatan mengerikan dalam musikal baru ini oleh komposer legendaris John Kander, tentang ketenaran 039Chicago039 dan 039Cabaret039, dan dramawan Greg Pierce. 039Finding Neverland039: Teater Review Billy Harrigan Tighe dan Christine Dwyer membintangi Hollywood Pantages Theater di tur produksi Harvey Weinstein di Broadway musikal Broadway tentang dramawan J. M. Barrie dan kreasi magisnya Peter Pan. Ahli Narsisisme Menganalisis Trump09s Tweets Tentang Oscar: Dia Ingin Dihormati oleh Hollywood (Kolom Tamu) Seiring dengan berita singkat dan kumis berita instan, the Academy Awards telah menjadi sasaran beberapa tweet Donald Trump0 yang paling layu. Penulis 039 Narsisisme Epidemi039 menduga bahwa di balik kegusaran itu adalah kerinduan untuk dianggap serius oleh Tinseltown. Disney Lays Off 80 Dari Maker, Digital Media Unit Di tengah Restrukturisasi Maker Studios039 jaringan bakat, yang pada satu waktu tumbuh menjadi 55.000 pencipta, juga sedang slimmed down. Technicolor Luncurkan Lab Suara Berfokus Realitas dan Augmented Real Estat Mengawasi Editor dan Perancang Suara Scott Gershin memimpin prakarsa tersebut. Spotify Luncurkan Podcast Asli Dari Media Gimlet, Studio Panoply Satu pertunjukan akan melihat kehidupan dan pengaruh eksekutif industri musik Chris Lighty. Goldman menyewa co-head baru perdagangan komoditas Goldman Sachs telah mempekerjakan Mercurias Jeremy Taylor sebagai mitra dan co-head dari Perdagangan komoditas global, menurut memo internal yang diperoleh Risk dan dikonfirmasi oleh juru bicara bank. Taylor akan bergabung dengan Goldman Sachs pada bulan Agustus dan bekerja sama dengan Ed Emerson, yang ditetapkan untuk menjadi bank co-head lain dari perdagangan komoditas global, kata memo tersebut. Kedua pria tersebut akan berbasis di New York dan melapor kepada Greg Agran, kepala komoditas. Taylor pernah bekerja di Mercuria sejak 2009, di mana dia menjadi kepala kekuatan dan gas AS. Dia meninggalkan pada bulan Mei, menurut sebuah sumber yang dekat dengan rumah perdagangan komoditas Swiss. Sebelumnya, dia menjadi kepala perdagangan komoditas Amerika Utara untuk Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Dia memulai karirnya di Koch Industries yang berbasis di Kansas pada tahun 1995. Emerson dinobatkan sebagai Goldmans global sebagai kepala perdagangan minyak dan produk tahun lalu. Dia bergabung dengan bank pada tahun 1999 sebagai seorang analis, dan dipromosikan menjadi managing director pada tahun 2008 dan menjadi mitra pada tahun 2012. Dengan latar belakang mereka yang komplementer, Jeremy dan Ed akan fokus untuk memajukan posisi kami sebagai franchise yang memimpin pasar pada tahap kritis dalam komoditas ini. Siklus, kata memo tersebut. Pengunduran diri dari Mercuria mengikuti jejak senior lainnya dari rumah perdagangan. Brent Trefz, mantan kepala perdagangan gas alam fisik untuk AS dan Meksiko, meninggalkannya pada bulan April. Dia telah bergabung dengan Wells Fargo sebagai pedagang gas fisik. Mercuria menolak berkomentar. Pelaporan harga guru Montepeque bergabung dengan Eni Eni Trading amp Shipping (ETS), perusahaan perdagangan berbasis di London, perusahaan minyak dan gas multinasional Eni, mempekerjakan Jorge Montepeque pada bulan Mei sebagai wakil presiden senior originasi. Seorang juru bicara untuk Eni mengkonfirmasi pengangkatan Montepeques, namun menolak berkomentar lebih jauh. Montepeque, yang berbasis di London, paling dikenal sebagai pencipta teknik market-on-close (MOC), yang digunakan oleh agen pelaporan harga Platts untuk menerbitkan penilaian harga minyak mentah Brent Laut Utara dan sejumlah komoditas lainnya. Penduduk asli Guatemala, Montepeque pindah ke AS dan bergabung dengan Platts pada tahun 1988. Pada tahun 2002, dia dipromosikan menjadi kepala pelaporan pasar global dan bermukim di London. Pada tahun 2014, ia memenangkan Energy Risk Lifetime Achievement Award atas perannya dalam mengembangkan dan mempromosikan proses MOC. Dia meninggalkan Platt akhir tahun lalu. ETS, yang mempekerjakan 400 orang di seluruh dunia, memperdagangkan minyak mentah, produk olahan, gas alam, listrik dan produk lingkungan. Saat ini bekerja untuk mengembangkan kehadirannya di pusat perdagangan utama di London, Houston dan Singapura. Montepeque diharapkan dapat membantu strategi unit dengan memanfaatkan pengalamannya di pasar komoditas untuk membangun hubungan dengan klien, kata seorang sumber yang dekat dengan perusahaan tersebut. BNP Paribas mempekerjakan mantan pedagang Mercuria Benno Guenther, mantan kepala produk dan perdagangan opsi terstruktur di Mercuria, telah bergabung kembali dengan mantan majikannya, BNP Paribas, dalam peran serupa. Bank Prancis tersebut mengkonfirmasi bahwa Guenther telah bergabung pada bulan April. Guenther awalnya bekerja di BNP Paribas sebagai pedagang derivatif ekuitas yang berbasis di London antara tahun 2006 dan 2007. Dia kemudian bekerja di JP Morgan, di mana dia memegang berbagai posisi selama enam tahun ke depan, yang terakhir sebagai kepala produk terstruktur dan terstruktur Pilihan perdagangan untuk Eropa, Timur Tengah dan Afrika. Pada tahun 2014, Guenther bergabung dengan Mercuria ketika rumah perdagangan komoditas berbasis di Swiss memperoleh bisnis komoditas fisik JP Morgans. Dia mundur dari Mercuria akhir tahun lalu, menurut seorang sumber yang mengetahui situasinya. EDF Trading mengungguli pedagang derivatif teratas EDF Trading, perusahaan perdagangan berbasis di London untuk utilitas multinasional Prancis EDF, telah mempekerjakan Morgane Trieu-Cuot (foto) sebagai kepala perdagangan derivatifnya. Perusahaan tersebut mengkonfirmasi pengangkatan tersebut, yang akan efektif pada bulan Juni, dalam sebuah pernyataan. Trieu-Cuot awalnya bergabung dengan EDF Trading pada tahun 2004, dan menghabiskan lebih dari satu dekade di perusahaan tersebut sebagai pedagang derivatif energi senior, membantu mengembangkan bisnis layanan aset fleksibel, yang menyusun solusi manajemen risiko untuk aset energi yang dimiliki oleh EDF, dan juga Pelanggan pihak ketiga Dia meninggalkan firma tersebut pada bulan Agustus 2015, untuk bergabung dengan BP sebagai pedagang komoditas lintas senior yang berbasis di London. Trieu-Cuot akan berbasis di London dan melapor kepada Marcello Romano, kepala perdagangan EDF untuk perdagangan Eropa. Tanggung jawabnya akan mencakup metodologi penetapan harga dan pemodelan, perdagangan dan strategi derivatif. Pedagang produk olahan AS keluar dari Barclays Steven He, asisten wakil presiden perdagangan produk minyak sulingan AS di Barclays di New York, meninggalkan bank tersebut pada bulan April setelah hampir lima tahun, menurut seorang sumber yang mengetahui situasinya. Sementara di Barclays, dia bertanggung jawab untuk perdagangan sulingan, bensin dan bahan bakar minyak, kata sumber tersebut. Pedagang tersebut diyakini akan bergabung dengan Vitol yang berbasis di Swiss setelah kepergiannya. Seorang juru bicara Vitol tidak dapat mengkonfirmasi pengangkatan Hes setelah memeriksa direktori internal perusahaan. Barclays menolak berkomentar. Pada tahun 2014, bank Inggris mengumumkan mundur utama dari pasar komoditas, mempertahankan kehadiran hanya di logam mulia, turunan minyak, turunan gas alam AS dan produk indeks. Sejak itu mengalami kemunduran keberangkatan, termasuk Troy Black, kepala penjualan komoditas untuk Amerika, yang meninggalkan tahun lalu untuk Wells Fargo. Kepala komoditas ABN berhenti untuk memulai dana fintech Jan-Maarten Mulder, kepala komoditas global di ABN Amro, akan meninggalkan bank Belanda pada bulan Juni untuk memulai dana modal ventura sendiri, juru bicara ABN mengatakan. Mulder dikatakan keluar dari sektor komoditas untuk berinvestasi di teknologi jasa keuangan. Sebelum bergabung dengan ABN Amro pada tahun 2013, Mulder bekerja sebagai kepala keuangan perusahaan global untuk perdagangan komoditas global Trafigura berbasis di Belanda. Mantan kepala NRG Crane bergabung dengan perusahaan ekuitas swasta Pegasus Capital Advisors, firma ekuitas swasta yang berbasis di New York, mengumumkan pada bulan April bahwa mereka telah mempekerjakan David Crane, mantan CEO (CEO) NRG Energy. Crane, yang merupakan presiden dan CEO NRG New Jersey dan Texas antara tahun 2003 dan 2015, didorong oleh dewan direksi pada bulan Desember di tengah ketidakpercayaan investor terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Sebagai pendukung energi hijau yang vokal dan kebutuhan akan utilitas tradisional untuk menemukan kembali dirinya sendiri, Crane telah menerapkan strategi berat-energi terbarukan di NRG, berinvestasi di solar perumahan dan melakukan akuisisi besar dalam tenaga angin. Sebelum bergabung dengan perusahaan listrik AS, dia bekerja untuk perusahaan pembangkit tenaga internasional yang berbasis di Inggris, International Power, yang sekarang menjadi bagian dari Frances Engie, dan Lehman Brothers. Di Pegasus, Crane akan mengerjakan proyek yang terkait dengan energi terdistribusi yang berkelanjutan, kata perusahaan ekuitas swasta tersebut dalam sebuah pernyataan pada 22 April. Dia akan melapor ke Pegasus CEO Craig Cogut. Noble menyewa mantan penggali LNG Gleng asal Hong Kong berbasis pasar komoditas Noble Group menyewa Lou Montilla sebagai kepala asal gas alam cair (LNG) yang berbasis di London pada bulan April, menurut seorang sumber yang dekat dengan perusahaan tersebut. Penunjukan tersebut dilakukan saat Noble membangun kembali meja LNG menyusul kepergian dua kepala sekolah awal tahun ini. Sebelumnya, Montilla bekerja di rumah perdagangan komoditi berbasis Swiss Glencore, namun baru saja ditinggalkan beberapa bulan belakangan ini. Dia bersama Morgan Stanley sebelum bergabung dengan Glencore pada tahun 2013. Dalam peran barunya di Noble, Montilla akan melapor ke Gareth Griffiths, kepala perusahaan energi dan gas global yang berbasis di London. Dia akan mengerjakan originasi bisnis dan inisiatif pengembangan yang berjangka panjang, dengan fokus pada produk terstruktur dan pasar baru, kata sumber tersebut. Noble dan Glencore menolak berkomentar. Citi kehilangan satu pedagang gas alam, keuntungan lain Dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, Citi mempekerjakan Rob Famulare sebagai kepala perdagangan gas alam, yang berbasis di Houston, mengatakan seorang sumber yang dekat dengan perusahaan tersebut. Dia bergabung dari Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Sementara itu, JW Boyden mengundurkan diri dari posisinya sebagai pedagang gas alam Nymex yang berbasis di Houston di Citi, menurut sumbernya. Citi menolak berkomentar. Amanda Reay Pengalaman Keterampilan dan Komunikasi Profesional Pengalaman Amandas dalam manajemen pembelajaran dan pengembangan, konsultasi, pengembangan bisnis SDM dan pengembangan organisasi terbentang lebih dari 20 tahun. Setelah latar belakang mengelola proyek pendidikan British Council di Portugal dan Timur Tengah, Amanda menyampaikan program pengembangan keterampilan dan kepemimpinan untuk konsultan pembelajaran Inggris. Berbasis di Amerika Serikat dan Amerika Selatan, dia bermitra dengan tim HR merek global termasuk McAfee, Prudential Insurance dan Microsoft membangun hubungan yang sukses untuk memastikan disain dan penyampaian solusi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mendukung tujuan bisnis. Baru-baru ini, Amanda telah mendapatkan reputasi untuk menjalin kemitraan yang kuat dengan berbagai kelompok klien termasuk AkzoNobel, ING Bank dan Croydon Council, merancang dan memberikan solusi pembelajaran tepat waktu untuk proyek perubahan organisasi. Kualifikasi profesional Amanda saat ini menyelesaikan keanggotaan Chartered Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CMCIPD) yang mengarah ke MSc dalam Organizational Development. Amanda adalah praktisi Life Orientations (LiFO) dan memegang Sertifikat dalam Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Sejarah pelatihan Dengan latar belakang pendidikan, Amanda telah terlibat dalam desain dan penyampaian pembelajaran sejak awal karirnya. Dia memiliki minat yang kuat dalam analisis dan perancangan solusi pembelajaran interaktif yang berpusat pada pelajar dan materi yang memberi peserta kesempatan maksimal untuk merenungkan poin pembelajaran dan rencana tindakan untuk pengembangan individu dan tim. Setelah memberikan pelatihan secara global, Amanda terbiasa dengan gaya belajar dan kebutuhan khalayak yang beragam, khususnya Timur Tengah dan Amerika Serikat, yang menyesuaikan rancangan, metode, dan pendekatan pelatihan sesuai dengan itu. Anna Gucwa Professional Skills Sales and Communications Anna memulai pengalaman kerja di tahun 1995 dalam penjualan memulai bisnisnya sendiri. Tahun-tahun berikutnya 1998 8211 2008 terkait dengan pekerjaan di industri keuangan. Dalam Kehidupan Amplico dia belajar tentang kontak dengan klien, membangun hubungan jangka panjang dan membangun kepercayaan. Ini adalah saat untuk memperoleh keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan penjualan dan mempengaruhi self-efficacy. Tahun-tahun berikutnya 2004-2009 didedikasikan untuk industri keuangan di dalam bank. Pada tahun 2003 Anna memulai peran Advisor di Citibank Handlowy SA. Sebagai hasil dari promosi internal dia menjadi pelatih. Organisasi dinamis ini memberinya kesempatan untuk memperoleh berbagai kompetensi: memimpin lokakarya, pembinaan, melakukan proses rekrutmen untuk para pedagang. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya, dia menjabat sebagai manajerial dan pembinaan di lembaga keuangan seperti Bank Millennium SA, Lukas Bank SA dan Deutsche Bank, PBC SA, The Deutsche Bank. Sementara di PBC SA Anna mengambil bagian dalam pembuatan struktur perusahaan baru sejak awal, mempelajari semua proses dalam strategi organisasi. Akhirnya, dia mengelola tim penjualan ponsel dalam layanan keuangan. Peran ini memberinya keterampilan mengelola tim, berbagi pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keterampilan praktisnya. Dan kepada peserta pelatihan, berbagi pengalaman dan mengumpulkan situasi dengan realitas bisnis klien saya. Coaching School Meritum Mengelola tim penjualan 8211 Studi pascasarjana, pembinaan kursus Kozminski University, lokakarya tanda tangan waktu Lokakarya dan Konsultasi, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Beata Kozak 8211 Studi Pascasarjana, Fakultas Psikologi Polandia Filsafat Polandia, gelar Master, Universitas Wroclaw Pengalaman pertama Anna8217 sebagai pelatih adalah Di Citibank dan Bank Millennium SA sebagai pelatih internal. Sebagai manajer, dia mengembangkan karyawan melalui pelatihan dan lokakarya. Pada tahun 2009, ia memulai karirnya sebagai pelatih lepas, bekerja dengan berbagai perusahaan pelatihan. Pengalaman Bisnis Aasha Syamsuddin Aasha berkualifikasi sebagai Chartered Accountant dengan Arthur Anderson. Dia kemudian menghabiskan dua tahun sebagai analis strategis di Debenhams Retail Plc selama waktu itu dia juga terlibat dalam mempersiapkan presentasi ke kota. Dia menyadari dengan sangat cepat bahwa panggilan sebenarnya dia mengajar dan mengambil pekerjaan pertamanya di bidang akuntansi dan pajak. Kualifikasi profesional Aasha memegang gelar MA (Cantab) di Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, dan merupakan Chartered Accountant. Dia dianugerahi piagam Chartered Financial Analyst pada tahun 2005 dan juga telah lulus ujian peraturan FSA dalam Peraturan, Efek dan Derivatif. Dia juga telah lulus Sertifikat Manajemen Investasi. Sejarah pelatihan yang telah dilatih Aasha sejak tahun 2000. Dia melatih kader pelatihan pertama dalam akuntansi dan pajak. Setelah ini dia menghabiskan 5 tahun pelatihan terhadap ujian peraturan FSA di Peraturan, Efek dan Derivatif, Sertifikat Manajemen Investasi dan juga tingkat I dan II dari Program Analis Keuangan Chartered. Dia kemudian pindah ke pelatihan non-ujian dan menghabiskan lebih dari 7 tahun di bidang keuangan perusahaan, melatih program pelatihan pascasarjana serta melanjutkan program pendidikan dan memberikan pelatihan tatap muka dan juga webinar. Subjeknya meliputi kelipatan dan penilaian DCF, pemodelan excel termasuk pemodelan merger dan pemodelan LBO dan pasar modal termasuk hutang, ekuitas, kredit dan derivatif. Pelatihan akuntansi terus menjadi kekuatan kunci, khususnya topik lanjutan IFRS dan US GAAP seperti pensiun, sewa, derivatif dan akuntansi untuk merger dan akuisisi. Dia telah berlatih secara global, dan sering mengajar kelas besar dengan ukuran hingga 250 peserta. Klien masa lalu dan sekarang termasuk Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch, UBS, HSBC, Bank of America, Dresdner Kleinwort, Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, Unicredit dan Standard Chartered Bank. Albert Chang Pengalaman bisnis Albert adalah veteran 23 tahun di pasar keuangan. Mengkhususkan diri pada opsi dan derivatif, dia telah menukar valuta asing, pendapatan tetap, tingkat suku bunga, komoditas, dan ekuitas pilihan melalui sejumlah krisis keuangan dan siklus suku bunga. Di sisi penjualan, Albert telah memegang peran senior di bank seperti CIBC, Standard Chartered, dan American Express, di mana dia menjabat sebagai Global Head of Options. Di sisi beli, dia telah memegang peran manajemen perdagangan dan portofolio kepemilikan senior di perusahaan seperti Southfield dan LaBranche. Selain pengalaman tradingnya yang luas, ia juga berpengalaman dalam menciptakan produk terstruktur dan pengembangan sistem perdagangan. Albert saat ini merupakan mitra yang bertanggung jawab atas Trading and Research amp Development di Richmond Lawrence Management LLC. Kualifikasi profesional Bachelor of Science di Teknik Stanford University 93 Analis Keuangan Chartered CFA Institute Bersertifikat Manajer Risiko Keuangan Asosiasi Global Profesional Risiko Investasi Investasi Diploma Chartered Institute of Securities amp Sejarah Pelatihan Investasi Albert telah mengajar selama tiga tahun terakhir di kedua sisi penjualan dan Institusi sisi beli. Dia memberikan kursus kelas dan kursus jarak jauh dalam produk keuangan, risiko, dan manajemen investasi kepada berbagai audiens, mulai dari lulusan hingga kepala bisnis senior, dan dari kantor depan hingga infrastruktur. Bila memungkinkan, dia mengambil pendekatan holistik yang mencakup pertimbangan operasional, regulatorylegal, dan accountingtax, keterkaitan pasar, dan kebutuhan untuk memahami sebuah narasi. Alex Lazarus Pengalaman bisnis Alex memiliki pengalaman yang luas untuk media multinasional dan merek TV yang besar termasuk Virgin Entertainment, Fox Family Worldwide dan Walt Disney Company dimana sebagai Direktur Pemasaran, Saluran TV, dia bertanggung jawab atas manajemen, desain dan pelaksanaan multi-wilayah orang-orang. Strategi merek dan waralaba, penganggaran dan komunikasi dengan pemangku kepentingan internal dan eksternal utama. Alex juga merupakan co-founder dari sebuah konsultan bisnis yang menyediakan pengembangan bisnis, strategi, pengembangan perusahaan dan layanan penggalangan dana. Di Fox, Alex adalah anggota tim distribusi saluran internasional yang bekerja untuk mendapatkan mitra bisnis di sektor Pay-Tv dan periklanan untuk meluncurkan saluran baru sesuai dengan strategi perluasan. Menjadi yang terdepan dalam operasi bisnis dan memiliki pengalaman tangan pertama dalam peran kepemimpinan telah memberi Alex wawasan yang tak ternilai mengenai tantangan operasional dan tekanan harian yang dihadapi banyak orang dalam organisasi yang sangat kompetitif dan serba cepat. Dia dikenal karena kepemimpinannya yang adaptif, memperkenalkan gaya manajemen pembinaan dan untuk secara proaktif melatih dan mengembangkan anggota timnya untuk mendorong mereka untuk mengidentifikasi dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip kinerja tinggi. Alex juga sering menjadi pembicara dan peserta pada acara industri utama dan konferensi. Kualifikasi profesional MSc in Coaching amp Behavioral Change, Henley Business School (sedang berlangsung), Inggris BA dalam Humaniora, Universitas Polandia Abroad, London, Inggris University of Cambridge, Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, London, Inggris Diploma Diploma (Perbedaan) Diploma Praktisi NLP Lumina Mempelajari penilaian psikometri: Percakapan Spark, Penjualan, Tim, Pemimpin, Budaya, Emosi (Inggris) Sejarah Alexs Ketajaman bisnis dan pemahaman tentang matriks perusahaan ditambah dengan minat pada perkembangan masyarakat memberikan landasan yang solid untuk melibatkan orang lain dalam pelatihan transformasional dan solusi berkinerja tinggi. . Dalam perannya saat ini sebagai Pelatih Eksekutif dan pelatih, Alex bekerja dengan para pemimpin, manajer dan tim di seputar berbagai topik termasuk: kepemimpinan adaptif, kolaborasi, penjualan, keterampilan manajemen, dampak dan pengaruh, pengelolaan perubahan, keunggulan kinerja, ketangkasan emosi, Ketahanan, dinamika papan dan lain-lain. Alex Wirtz Keterampilan Profesional Produk Keuangan Pengalaman bisnis Latar belakang Alex adalah pengembangan teknologi untuk pembelajaran dan simulasi keuangan. Dia adalah pengembang dan pengembang simulasi teknologi pembelajaran eLearning yang sangat berpengalaman, yang telah memberikan courseware yang sesuai dengan SCORM dan lebih dari 400 simulasi pasar keuangan kepada 8.500 trainee di seluruh dunia. Dia adalah pengembang utama dengan salah satu penyedia eLearning Inggris terkemuka, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pelatihan online di berbagai sektor. Proyek terbesarnya tentang praktik terbaik keuangan baru, meluncurkan 20.000 staf di perusahaan blue chip multinasional. Selama 6 tahun terakhir, dia adalah Kepala Simulasi di sebuah perusahaan pelatihan keuangan. Peran ini mencakup simulasi siklus hidup penuh, mulai dari konsultasi dengan klien dan pengembangan perangkat lunak hingga pelatihan staf perusahaan. Kualifikasi profesional Alex memiliki latar belakang penelitian dalam linguistik komputasi, dan meraih gelar Master dalam bidang ini. Pelatihan profesional Alex telah mengajar di tingkat universitas dalam pemrograman web, dan selama empat tahun terakhir telah melatih secara ekstensif program pascasarjana di pasar global dan Sertifikat Kuantitatif Keuangan (CQF). Alex sekarang bekerja sebagai pelatih dan konsultan independen untuk berbagai klien pasar keuangan, menggunakan pengalaman 10 tahun dalam memadukan solusi pembelajaran untuk mewujudkan perbaikan dunia nyata. Dia membagi waktunya antara Inggris dan Polandia, dan fasih berbahasa Polandia. Andrew Kitton Pengalaman bisnis Andrew memulai karirnya di program pascasarjana dan dengan cepat maju menjadi peran manajemen. Dia kemudian pindah ke manajemen penjualan dan penjualan. Setelah sukses dalam karir awal, Andrew mengalihkan perhatiannya pada pelatihan dan pengembangan orang lain. Pengalamannya meliputi perbankan investasi, layanan keuangan ritel, hipotek, asuransi dan perbankan ritel. Kualifikasi profesional Andrew memegang gelar BSc Hons di bidang Akuntansi dan Bisnis Ekonomi. Dia berkualifikasi profesional sebagai pelatih (Chartered Institute of Personalia and Development) dan menyelesaikan beberapa kualifikasi layanan keuangan (Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice, Financial Planning Certificate, Advanced Financial Planning Certificate dan Chartered Institute of Bankir (sekarang Institute of Financial services)) . Dia juga merupakan praktisi yang memenuhi syarat dari Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Thomas International DISC Profiling and Emotions amp Behaviors at Work. Pengalaman pelatihan Andrew adalah Konsultan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan yang berpengalaman, dengan latar belakang Layanan Keuangan dan pengalaman pelatihan selama 20 tahun. Andrew mengkhususkan diri pada soft skill dan latihan perilaku. Dia telah merancang dan menyampaikan program di seluruh Kepemimpinan, Manajemen, Pengembangan Pribadi, Presentasi, Penjualan dan Manajemen Penjualan. Dia telah memberikan kursus di Inggris, AS, Eropa, Emerging Markets, Australia dan Far East. Dia memanfaatkan pengalamannya tentang dunia usaha untuk memberikan contoh kehidupan nyata yang membantu peserta terlibat dalam materi pelajaran. Andy duncan Kepemimpinan Keterampilan Profesional Penjualan dan Komunikasi Produk Keuangan Pengalaman Bisnis Sebelum karir pelatihannya, Andy bekerja terutama di dunia operasi keuangan dan teknologi dengan mantra di J. P. Morgan dan UBS. Dia juga memperoleh Sertifikat Kuantitatif Keuangan untuk membantu pekerjaannya dalam derivatif keuangan. Sebelum bekerja di Kota London, ia melakukan pekerjaan investasi perbankan investasi dengan Sun Microsystems dan Oracle Corporation sebagai pengembang perangkat lunak dan perancang basis data. Sementara dengan Sun Microsystems, ia menulis dua buku untuk penerbit teknologi populer, OReilly, tentang teknologi Unix dan database. Kualifikasi profesional Sertifikat Kuantitatif Keuangan (CQF). Psikologi BSc (Hons) (Universitas Sheffield). Praktisi Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Sertifikat CISI dalam Derivatif, Surat Berharga, dan Peraturan. Sejarah pelatihan Dengan 15 tahun mengikuti pelatihan teknis, Andy sekarang berfokus pada teori keuangan dan ekuitas, komoditas, dan derivatif pendapatan tetap. Dia telah bekerja dengan banyak rumah investasi terkemuka di London, Dubai, Singapura, dan New York. Selain pelatihan keuangan teknis, karena latar belakang psikologi dan NLP, Andy juga menjalankan beberapa kursus praktik profesional termasuk kemampuan presentasi, kemampuan berkomunikasi, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif. Andy juga seorang pewawancara dan podcaster untuk GoldMoney, mempersiapkan dan mempresentasikan wawancara yang membahas keadaan terkini dunia keuangan dan perkembangan uang di masa depan dengan banyak tokoh keuangan, ekonom, dan politisi terkemuka di dunia. Ini termasuk minat khususnya dalam keuangan internasional, dan Austrian School of Economics. Angus Jacobs Pengalaman bisnis Angus memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang pengajaran strategi, perancangan, pengembangan, pengembangan kepemimpinan, dan kepemimpinan. Memulai karirnya dengan Lloyds Banking Group, dia telah bekerja di berbagai sektor industri untuk FTSE 100 perusahaan termasuk PwC, Deloitte, Tesco, Burberry dan terakhir Citi Group. Selama masa ini, fokus utamanya adalah merancang dan memfasilitasi program kepemimpinan, dan mendukung eksekutif C-suite dalam pengembangan pribadi mereka dan mempengaruhi keseluruhan strategi, pertumbuhan dan dampak bisnis. Kualifikasi profesional Dengan diploma dalam Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Angus juga diakreditasi dalam penggunaan sejumlah instrumen psikometrik, termasuk: Hogan Personality Inventory PDI Profilor Hay Group Emotional amp Kompetensi Kompetensi Sosial Realise2 Kekuatan Sejarah pelatihan Angus telah merancang dan Memberikan intervensi pembelajaran sepanjang karirnya dan menggunakan pengetahuan ahli yang luas, dan pengalaman industri bervariasi untuk membawa kreativitas dan pragmatisme ke dalam programnya. Baru-baru ini berfokus pada Kepemimpinan 8216Authentic8217: mencakup kecerdasan emosional, dampak pribadi dan menyampaikan pesan yang jelas, dia telah mampu menciptakan kesadaran diri pada para pemimpin untuk membantu mewujudkan perubahan perilaku yang berkelanjutan. Angus telah menyampaikan program untuk pemirsa global di seluruh Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika dan Amerika Serikat. Caroline Carson Pengalaman bisnis Caroline pindah ke Hong Kong pada tahun 2010 menyusul karir yang sukses di berbagai posisi eksekutif senior di industri jasa keuangan global, mencakup beragam bidang pemasaran, pengembangan produk, operasi, manajemen proyek, kepatuhan dan manajemen eksekutif di Eropa. , Australia dan Asia. Dia pernah bekerja di ING, AXA Wealth Management, dan National Australia Bank. Kualifikasi profesional LLB (Hons) University of Wales Magister Bisnis (Pemasaran) RMIT, Melbourne. Sejarah pelatihan Fokus utama Carolines telah bekerja pada pengembangan keterampilan komunikasi, pola pikir dan kepemimpinan di semua tingkat dan aspek organisasi global. Kedalaman pengalamannya berarti dia benar-benar dapat memahami tantangan yang dihadapi semua orang dalam bisnis dari staf junior hingga eksekutif Tingkat-C, dan mengembangkan hubungan baik di seluruh dunia. Dia percaya akan terjadi di atas dan di luar untuk memastikan bahwa baik individu maupun bisnis mencapai di luar dugaan mereka. Caroline memiliki pengalaman dengan staf kantor depan, menengah dan belakang baik sebagai pelatih maupun dalam karir bisnisnya, yang berarti dia dapat membawa skenario kehidupan. Dia juga memahami hambatan utama yang dihadapi dalam menggunakan keterampilan baru dalam kehidupan nyata dan fokusnya adalah pada penyediaan solusi praktis. Di Hong Kong, klien utamanya berada di sejumlah industri, namun dengan fokus pada investment banking. Pengalaman Bisnis Caroline Flin Caroline memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dalam pembelajaran dan pengembangan organisasi. Dia telah bekerja di berbagai industri, termasuk layanan keuangan dan profesional dan pendidikan. Peran pembelajaran korporatnya termasuk Kepala Pengembangan Masyarakat di Pearson UK dan Kepala Pengembangan Kepemimpinan dan Pelatihan di Deloitte. Baru-baru ini dia bekerja sebagai konsultan, dengan spesialisasi dalam fasilitasi kepemimpinan, 1: 1 dan pembinaan kelompok. Kualifikasi Profesional Caroline memiliki MSc dalam Psikologi adalah Praktisi Pemrograman Neuro-Linguistik dan meraih gelar psikometrik tingkat Psikologi Inggris Tingkat A dan Level B. Dia diakreditasi dalam penggunaan MBTI, suite Hogan ECi360, Hay Group Emotional amp Inventori Kompetensi Sosial FIRO-B 16PF dan DiSC. Pengalaman Pelatihan Caroline memiliki track record yang kuat dalam fasilitasi, desain dan evaluasi secara langsung. Dia telah memfasilitasi program untuk lulus sampai ke khalayak eksekutif di seluruh layanan keuangan, media, ritel, pendidikan dan bukan nirlaba. Dia memiliki pengalaman luas dengan pemirsa Inggris dan global. Caroline membangun lebih dari 1000 jam pelatihan dan merupakan fasilitator pembelajaran aksi yang terampil dan pelatih kelompok. Christopher Goh Profesional Ketrampilan Penjualan dan Komunikasi Pengalaman Bisnis Dr Christopher memiliki 25 tahun pengalaman yang sulit didapat dalam pengelolaan risiko perusahaan dan perbendaharaan dengan campuran langka Derivatives Trading, Wealth Advisory, Investment Banking, Credit Structuring, Governance-Risk-Compliance, Pricing Dan valuasi investasi. Dia adalah seorang profesional dengan pengalaman yang luas secara profesional dalam, manajemen risiko perusahaan, perdagangan treasury derivatif, pilihan eksotis, keuangan perilaku dan penataan produk yang melayani nasabah bernilai tinggi, korporasi dan individual secara global. Ini termasuk sejumlah posisi start up untuk membangun dan mengelola bisnis pertumbuhan, tim pemenang, produk yang menguntungkan dan hubungan yang kuat. Dia telah bekerja untuk 6 bank berbeda selama 25 tahun di 6 budaya, praktik bisnis dan gaya manajemen yang berbeda. Hal ini telah memberinya pengetahuan yang sangat dalam dalam menangani klien dari latar belakang budaya yang beragam. Dia telah memegang posisi Chief Risk Officer (CRO) untuk Asia Pasifik yang bertanggung jawab atas kerangka kerja Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) dan menerapkan kebijakan di 5 negara regional Asia. Kualifikasi profesional PhD di bidang Keuangan (Inggris) EMBA (Inggris) Dr Christopher telah melakukan banyak lokakarya kelas Master in-house selama 18 tahun terakhir melatih regu bankir internasional dan sentral serta banyak manajer senior dan manajemen non-keuangan dari berbagai wilayah Asia. Collette Ryan Pengalaman bisnis Collette memiliki lebih dari 27 tahun pengalaman SDM baik dalam peran perusahaan maupun sebagai konsultan eksternal di sektor publik dan swasta. Dia telah bekerja dengan individu dan tim dari berbagai organisasi dan disiplin termasuk FMCG, Financial Services, Transport, Utilities, Local Council and Telecommunications. Latar belakang generalisnya memberi dia pendekatan menyeluruh untuk konsultasinya dan ini, dikombinasikan dengan semangat dan wawasan untuk fasilitasi, desain, penyampaian, bakat, pengembangan tim, kepemimpinan dan pengembangan eksekutif termasuk pembinaan, membawanya untuk memberi dampak dan perbedaan nyata kepadanya. Klien. Peran sebelumnya termasuk memimpin Tim Pengembangan Kepemimpinan, Pembelajaran dan Bakat, Manajer Pengembangan Organisasi dan Mitra Bisnis SDM di dalam organisasi seperti Barclays dan TfL. Dia memiliki keterampilan kepemimpinan yang kuat dan telah memimpin tim dalam organisasi matriks kompleks dan mengerjakan tugas dan program di seluruh dunia termasuk Eropa, Asia dan Amerika. Kualifikasi profesional Collette adalah profesional SDM yang berkualitas dan anggota Chartered dari Institute of Personil amp Development. Dia dilatih dalam penerapan berbagai psikometrik termasuk profil kepribadian MBTI, SHL, Akreditasi Intelijen Emosional (ESCI Hay Group), Capstone terakreditasi dan merupakan pelatih terakreditasi. Sejarah pelatihan Collette memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam perancangan dan penyampaian program pembelajaran dan talenta di berbagai disiplin ilmu di Inggris dan di seluruh dunia. Dia telah memfasilitasi pembelajaran dari para sarjana ke eksekutif senior termasuk pengembangan kepemimpinan, pengembangan tim dan pembinaan. Dia sangat bersemangat untuk memberikan kesuksesan komersial sambil memastikan pendekatan kemitraan pragmatis dengan Kliennya yang mengarah pada perubahan perilaku dan budaya. Eamonn Ling Pengalaman Bisnis Eamonn memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun bekerja terutama di industri jasa keuangan, dan juga di perusahaan-perusahaan pertumbuhan kewirausahaan lainnya. Dia menghabiskan bagian awal karirnya sebagai pedagang di pasar keuangan, naik ke peran manajemen senior selama 12 tahun ke depan di pasar derivatif dengan bank-bank besar seperti Citigroup dan Barclays Capital di London, dan ABN-Amro Bank di Tokyo dan Singapura. More recently he held client facing roles as Head of Investment in an advisory boutique, then a private bank in Singapore, advising on and structuring client portfolio solutions across a wide range of asset classes, and is currently a Managing Director at an agency broker intermediating Asian fixed income products. Professional qualifications Eamonn holds an MBA (Distinction) from the London Business School, and a BSc. (Joint Hons.) in Chemistry amp Biochemistry from Imperial College, London. Training history Eamonn has led workshops for HNW and other clients at several firms, as well as internal training and coaching of colleagues. His advice and consultancy is in demand in Singapore and across Asia-Pacific. Esther Wane Professional Skills Sales and Communications Financial Products Business Experience Esther has over ten years experience at a number of global investment banks, including Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and UBS. Her roles encompassed a range of senior Compliance positions, and she has varied advisory experience over a wide range of businesses and products from origination to trading. For the past seven years Esther has specialised in providing support to a full range of Fixed Income desks, developing particular expertise in the technicalities of Derivatives, Structured Products and Emerging Markets sales, trading and origination businesses. Professional Qualifications Prior to joining Credit Suisse Esther was called to the Bar and then qualified in 1999 as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte. Esther is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments, having been awarded the Diploma after taking examinations in Regulation and Compliance (placed 1st) and Corporate Finance. Training History Esther has developed and delivered training on a wide range of topics across all asset classes. Esther is well known for bringing her trading floor experience into the classroom, using real life case studies and tailoring training to address specific concerns in order to engage and interest her audience. As senior advisory Compliance Officer Esther was required to develop advanced technical understanding of derivatives and structured products to engage fully with the front office and external stakeholders. Gerald Ashley Business experience Over 30 years of financial market experience, working for banks in London, Hong Kong and Switzerland. His market background is in Foreign Exchange, Currency Options, Money Markets and Bullion Trading. He has run proprietary trading teams, options trading books and headed a major bullion trading operation. He retains close links with the markets as the special advisor to the board of a hedge fund in Germany. Geralds main business expertise is in Behavioural Risk, Change and Decision Making. Much of his work is now on collaborative research in these fields, in particular looking at trader and investor biases and behaviour. He has close links with a number of academic institutions in behavioural and neuro-science research. Professional qualifications Gerald is a Visiting Fellow at Newcastle Business School and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts. He is also a member of numerous financial market associations, including the STA (MSTA holder) SIMA and PRIMIA. Training history Gerald has conducted training courses across the globe for some ten years. These have included topics as diverse as Market Psychology, Foreign Exchange, Currency Options, Scenario Planning and Strategic Decision Making. Clients have included major international banks, central banks, multi-national corporates and governments. He has trained board level executives, fund managers, traders, senior civil servants and business executives. Graham Taylor Professional Skills Financial Products Training history Graham is a consultant financial trainer who has been training for over 15 years. As well as delivering training towards a number of exam-focused courses such as the CISI Diploma, Graham has delivered a variety of product and markets programmes all over the world. He is well known for his ability to break down complex concepts and provide a more holistic view of the issues at hand. Grahams engaging delivery style allows him to build excellent rapport with his delegates, gaining him rave reviews from interns and executives alike. Professional qualifications CISI Diploma in Investment Advice, CISI Certificate in Investments, CISI Certificate in Investment Operations, CFAUK Investment Management Certificate. Graham holds a degree in Economics and Accountancy and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. Ian Dawson Sales and Communications Business experience Ten years in global equity capital markets positions 8211 in Australia, Asia and the European emerging markets. Roles undertaken encompassed institutional equity sales and account management specialist sales equity research and analysis, equity capital origination and corporate strategic analysis. Companies worked at include Carnegie, NatWest Markets and Bankers Trust. Professional qualification An associate of the Securities Institute of Australia. Training history Ten years active experience covering all areas of the equity markets, equity derivatives, hedge fund investment and sales and client relationship management skills. Ian founded the Alpha Development Partnership in 2003 to provide fully tailored, specialised and integrated training programmes to key professionals in global investment banks and wholesale financial services groups. Jayshree Dave Professional Skills Sales and Communications Financial Products Business experience With 28 years diverse experience in International and Investment Banking from Midland International, Midland Montague and HSBC. Initial seven years, roles in Payments and Trade Finance. 17 years on trading floor within foreign exchange, currency and interest rate derivatives. Roles undertaken encompassed managing a diverse range of clients, which have included medium size companies, multinational corporations, asset managers, marketing risk management solutions to these clients using foreign exchange, money market, currency and interest rate derivatives. Professional qualifications Professional Diploma in Business Management (OU), Master Practitioner NLP, AEC Foundation Diploma in Executive Coaching. Training history Jayshree brings invaluable experience from her role within HSBC HR learning and development where the team was responsible for providing training globally. She is passionate about people development with proven ability to design and deliver both technical and business skills programmes to develop people in line with business goals and strategy. Jayshree has three years of active classroom experience training in subjects that cover all areas of treasury and capital market to delegates from various investment banking business areas such as, operations, finance, credit, legal and IT as well as graduate programmes. Jennifer Harrison Sales and Communications Financial Products Business experience From 1990 until 2004, Jennifer worked in investment banking in corporate finance and advisory positions. She gained a wide range of analytical and transaction expertise in mergers and acquisitions as well as the debt and equity capital markets. She has worked for Westpac, UBS, HSBC and Citi, climbing the ladder from analyst to director. Professional qualifications Graduated with a B Ec (Accounting and Finance) and LLB (Hons) from the University of Sydney and completed the Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the SIA. Currently Jennifer is finishing the M App Fin at Macquarie University and is a CFA Level 3 candidate. She is a Fellow of FINSIA, a member of PRMIA and a member of the ASA. Training history Jennifer brings to the classroom the enormous benefit of her practical skills and lively tales from the trenches. Drawing on her direct experience, she transfers relevant technical and professional skills by teaching subject matter in a desk-ready context and placing a strong emphasis on learning by doing. Jennifer is a veteran of over 400 days face-to-face teaching time delivered to interns, graduates, lateral hires and experienced professionals from leading financial institutions in Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Mumbai, Moscow, London and New York. Julie Louette Professional Skills Sales and Communications Business experience Over 24 years experience in Investment Banking in Paris, with two years in Germany. She spent the entirety of her career at SocGen selling and structuring a vast range of financial products to institutional and corporate clients. She specialised in selling FX Derivatives, Equity Derivatives and Commodities Derivatives. For many years Julie structured and sold equity-linked products to corporates, institutions and hedge funds, and she ended her banking career with 4 years as Managing Director within the Commodities division, specialising in Energy products. Julie currently sits on the Strategy and Finance committee for Lyce International de Saint-Germain-en-Laye amp Partner Schools. Julies background has allowed her to become an expert in sales skills training for finance professionals. Professional qualifications Julie studied Mathematics at Cambridge University and Mathematical Finance at Universite Paris V. She holds a CISI Diploma. A UK national who has worked in Paris since the 1980s, she is a fluent trainer in English and French. Training history Julies sales career has always focused on more technical products, such as more structured equity-linked products, and emissions trading. Much of her role as senior salesperson was educating clients on products and markets, striking a balance between informing the client and achieving her own commercial targets. Today her passion lies within Sales and Communication Skills where she partners with individuals and teams, at all levels, to help them unlock their potential and exceed their targets. Due to being immersed in sales market for her whole career, she understands the pressure and demand for sales people to exceed their targets. Ken Kapner Business experience Ken has 14 years of experience with HSBC in their treasury and capital markets area where he traded a variety of instruments including interest rate derivatives, spot and forward FX, money markets, managed the balance sheet, sat on the Asset Liability Committee and was responsible for the overall treasury activities of the bank. During his HSBC tenure, Ken spent two years in Hong Kong where he headed up HSBCs Global Treasury and Capital Markets Product training. Professional qualifications MBA in finance and has co-authoredco-edited seven books on derivatives including The Swaps Handbook and Understanding Swaps. Ken is a risk management advisor to a Mutual Funds Board of Trustees and an expert witness using knowledge of derivatives, trading and risk management. Training history Since 1997, Ken has designed, developed and delivered bespoke training courses for a variety of clients, including the industrys most prestigious banks, many of the federal regulators, asset managers, insurance firms, rating agencies and support firms. His areas of expertise include derivative products, risk management, fixed income, FX and portfolio management Alpha Development Faculty Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Financial Products Alpha Development is a specialist financial training company. At Alpha, we seek to impact performance and partner our clients to develop their people from around the world to be more valuable. We build on our own expertise and experience to create customised and innovative training programmes for global financial institutions. We enable professionals to be more successful, developing their own alpha as well as that of their firm. Theory is important practice is essential. Louise Cole Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Business experience Louise has over 15 years experience in corporate learning, talent and organisation development. Her career spans a number of global organisations, starting out at two of the big four professional services firms, then making the move into financial services where she worked for three top tier investment banks Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citi, Barclays and most recently a global asset manager. During this time her main focus was facilitating leadership development and supporting revenue generating client groups to drive business performance through strategic people development. Training history With an MSc in Organisational Psychology and Level A and B certified with the British Psychological Society, Louise is accredited in the use of a number of psychometric instruments, including MBTI, Hogan Personality Inventory, OPQ, PDI Profilor, Hay Group Emotional amp Social Competence Inventory. Training Experience Louise has been designing and delivering corporate training programmes over the entirety of her career and uses her considerable experience to bring a highly commercial, real-world approach to the classroom. Drawing on her breadth and depth of expert knowledge she delivers innovative yet pragmatic, engaging and impactful programmes that enable participants to make sustainable behavioural change. Louise has delivered programmes to global audiences across Europe, the Middle East and the US. Louise Shenton Business experience Louises career spans two decades, three continents and four countries. She is a qualified Management Accountant, and started her career in the TV media industry in London amp Australia including involvement in two major mergers. She later became a Senior Financial Accountant of the Docklands Stadium in Melbourne, which was then owned by the Seven Network. Louise eventually moved to Tokyo, where she found her true calling as a trainer amp business coach, primarily as a consultant to Investment Banks amp Technology companies, including Shinsei Bank and Lehman Brothers. For the last 8 years Louise has resided in Singapore, initially as a consultant in the Hedge Fund compliance field before returning to training. Professional qualifications ACMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, HNC Business amp Finance, De Montford University, Thomas PPA DISC Certification, 360 Feedback Certification, Business Coaching Certification, Kirkpatrick, Bronze Level Certification, ACTA. Training history Since 2004 in Japan, Louise has designed amp delivered cross-cultural and other training to banks amp MNCs. For the past 4 years, she has been dedicated to Leadership Development Training for various departments of the Singapore Government, GLCs and an array of MNCs. Louises passion is experiential learning, encouraging participants to be motivated in their own development while bringing real-world case studies from her international business background to the training. Louise is also a coach, focusing on people management (using 360 feedback) amp career management from graduates to C-suite. Marcus Kutrzeba Leadership Sales and Communications Business experience Marcus has more than 10 years of training experience and has trained sales-executives all over Europe. He leads his company Kpunkt Training GmbH located in Vienna, which has provided services for more than 100 customers by now. Being a professional tennis player on the ATP tour in the late 1990s, Marcus got in touch with mental skills first. After finishing his studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, he developed sales and leadership skills as a sales man in insurance and banking services. He worked as a financial advisor at Deutsche Bank AG in Salzburg inter alia and has been developing his negotiation skills on a daily basis with clients and customers. His key expertise encompasses all sales-related topics like consumer behaviour, leadership, motivation as well as social skills. He teaches at business schools and master programs in Vienna and Graz as a lecturer. Former ATP Tennis Professional Certified Business and Communications Trainer Certified Strucogram, Triogram and Multigram Mastertrainer Certified Business Trainer for all German speaking Insurance Companies Master in Business Administration, Vienna University of Economics and Business Certified Negotiations and Sales Trainer Leadership Trainer Mental and Firewalking Trainer Training history First Marcus started as an in-house trainer for a large Austrian insurance company. Following that, he started to train insurance trainers all over Austria and developed training programs for leaders and salesman. He increased his scope of customers offering his services to sales companies. His USP is developing sales and leadership skills with an integrated system of combined training, both offline and online, 360 feedbacks and individual coaching (so-called Integrated Sales Development). Large companies such as CHUBB, GENERALI, BAXTER, DM, ATampS, COMPO, AUSTRIAN AIRLINES, SIEMENS, DOKA, IBM, MAGNA and lots more trust in this training services with immediate practical implication and effect. Mark Doran Professional Skills Financial Products Business experience Prior to leaving school, Mark joined a well known Stockbroker. He then worked in the Securities Operations Department of Bank Montreal in London before then joining the Trading Room. A move to HSBC Group a year later resulted in him gaining experience on the FX, bond and derivative desks. He also spent time as a Senior Trader on the Proprietary Trading Desk. In these years he built up his knowledge of Financial Markets and their inner workings. Training history Mark has been teaching Financial Markets training courses throughout Europe, Asia, North America and the Middle East since 2000. Courses have often been tailored to specific client requirements and regional needs, however, he also delivers generic and graduate training. His course range includes: Capital Markets, Treasury, Derivatives, Fund Management: all from a Market, Product, Operations and Risk Management Perspective. As well as more specialised topics such as Selling Derivative Solutions to Corporates, Derivatives in Fund Management, The Impact of UCITS and AIFMD, Counterparty Risk in Derivatives, and Risk Management. Mark has extensive experience delivering technically advanced training to all levels of audience throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. He has designed and run courses for Multinational Banks as well as Local and Central Banks. He has also trained for Fund Management Companies, Hedge Funds and Corporates. His training has taken the form of class room, webinars, and on line course delivery. Marks strength is his ability to make even the most complex of topics, understandable and easy to learn. This, along with his highly interactive approach, has resulted in consistently good feedback from learning and development clients. Marta Nowicka Leadership Sales and Communications Marta started her career as an intern in a training amp consulting company in California, US. After returning to Poland and finishing her studies she worked for several years in international hotel chains at sales amp marketing positions with responsibility for sales, advertisement amp promotion, negotiation and key client management. Later, she worked as a marketing and project manager for a translation agency. Since 2010 she is self-employed and runs her own training amp development business. During her career she has had the opportunity to work with Polish and foreign clients. MA in Psychology, SWPS University, MA in Business Management amp Marketing, Warsaw University Post graduate studies in Consumer Psychology, SWPS University Professional school of trainers and development level Professional ( 5EQF) GT Mentor Krakw Associated Certified Coach (ACC) ICF Marta is a coach, trainer and facilitator delivering relocation, cross-cultural, diversity, leadership amp communication training programs to Polish firms amp multinational corporations. She has worked with executives, business leaders and teams in many industries including: FMCG, food amp beverages, IT, aviation, pharmaceutical and financial services. She delivers one to one programmes and group trainings. As a coach Marta specializes in expat coaching, global leadership coaching and career coaching. She cooperates as a freelanceassociate trainer amp coach with global relocation and training companies located in US, UK amp Singapore. She is Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She has completed coach training programs in Poland (CoachWiseEquipped) and UK (ILM7 Executive Coaching and Mentoring). Marta is also an active member of SIETAR Poland (Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research) where she founded and for a number of years coordinated the Warsaw Regional Group Leadership Sales and Communications Financial Products Business experience Prior to his training career Matt worked in corporate and investment banking at Barclays, SG Securities and Nomura International. His experience is predominantly in the capital markets, structuring debt and equity issuance and derivatives strategies. His client communications experience spans across long only accounts, hedge funds, governments and corporates. Professional qualification CFA Charterholder, Member of the Securities and Investment Institute, MA (Oxon). Training professional Matts technical training focuses on equity and fixed income derivatives, and he has trained front, middle and back office staff across the leading sell-side and buy-side institutions in London, Europe and New York. On the communication skills side his experience most naturally lends itself to selling of structured products, derivatives and the more complex instruments, where the sales process requires more educational positioning from sales and research. Maxine Gooding Business experience Max has been working at the coal face in banking and financial services for over 28 years during which time she has worked in the business running teams, developing strategy and managing change initiatives. With 2 significant periods working for Legal amp General and Barclays her career experience spans regulatory reviews, customer relations, client experience and culture change. Her last role was working in Group Talent amp Learning building the teams strategy and capability to support a bank-wide culture change agenda. For the past 2 years Max has been working as an independent focused on individual, team and organisational performance and behavioural change. Professional qualifications Diploma in Stress Management in Organisations Certificate in Organisational Development NLP master practitioner amp performance coach Insights practitioner Lumina Spark, Leader, Sales amp Emotion practitioner FIRO Theory qualified AOEC Systemic Team Coach (Studying 201617) Training history Maxine has been designing and delivering learning experiences to support her role as a business leader and change manager for many years. She knows how to develop individual and collective capability across teams and organizations, working dynamically with the whole system to understand and design real worl solutions. She has a track record of creating and delivering dynamic, innovative and unique learning experiences that generate real and practical behavioural change for people, teams and businesses. Used to operating at all levels, Maxine has delivered one-off experiences for senior executives down to all staff induction programs, all with the emphasis on performance, cultural alignment and sustained behavioral change. Monica Mascarenhas Professional Skills Sales and Communications Business experience Monica has over seven years of experience in coaching and facilitation. She conducts her sessions for individuals as well as groups, both face to face as well as virtually, deftly using her facilitation skills to make her sessions on both mediums effective and engaging. During her corporate years in the fields of marketing and corporate communications, she trained and coached CXO level executives in media and cross culture. She now facilitates and coaches in cross cultural effectiveness, team dynamics, business effectiveness and management skills from entry to mid and senior level employees. She has trained hundreds of participants in business communications, influencing and negotiating skills, working across cultures, presentation skills and managing challenges. She facilitates and coaches across various sectors including banking and finance, IT, manufacturing and automotive. Some of the companies she has conducted programs at include Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Ernst amp Young, EMC2, SAP, 3M and Schneider. Professional qualifications Bachelor of Commerce, Masters in Mass Communication. Training history Monica is a facilitator and coach in areas that are interlinked and cannot be looked at in isolation. She draws on her skills and experience in various domains to make every session holistic and develop skills that are readily transferable to participants work. Monica seamlessly integrates her knowledge in the fields influencing, communicating, delegating, motivating, understanding social styles and time management and easily relates to the participants area of work for a customised delivery and meaningful outcome. learning from experience Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Financial Products Alpha Development is a specialist financial training company. At Alpha, we seek to impact performance and partner our clients to develop their people from around the world to be more valuable. We build on our own expertise and experience to create customised and innovative training programmes for global financial institutions. We enable professionals to be more successful, developing their own alpha as well as that of their firm. Theory is important practice is essential. Professional Skills Financial Products Business experience Most recently Mike was Chief Administrative Officer, Global Markets EMEA for Nomura (since 2013). Mike supported the Head of Global Markets EMEA in all aspects of running the business. Covering Profitability, Financial Resources, Budgeting, Human Resources, Risk and Control, Relationships with Regulators. Prior to this Mike worked at RBS from 2010 where he was initially part of the Corporate Risk Solutions team before taking responsibility for a global mitigation program to reduce derivative risk positions held with Corporate counterparties. In between setting up, running, and ultimately selling, his own ski chalet business in France, Mike worked for British Land (1997-2000), where he was a Director of British Land Finance with responsibility for the managing the significant derivative portfolio. Professional qualifications Mike graduated from the University of Bath with B. Sc. in Statistics (1st class) and a PhD in Statistics. Neil Twogood Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Business experience Neil has worked at board level in UK, Asia and Europe for various subsidiaries being PA to one of the PLC board directors. He has been a key note speaker at: ICAEW SME 2009 and 2010 Conference, British Institute of Learning amp Development June 2010, Conflict at Work Conference 2009 (Belfast). Neils interest in people and coaching to improve performance stems from his early work in the 1970s as a tennis coach using inner game principles and then learning how to motivate and lead people to grow new businesses. He is a qualified chartered accountant. Professional qualification Chartered accountant 8211 member of the ICAEW. MSc (Dipl) in Coaching amp organisational development with the University of Portsmouth Business School. BA (Hons) Economics graduate of Exeter University BPS Level A amp B qualified (accredited in various psychometric instruments including the OPI and the BarOn EQi (emotional intelligence)). Training professional Neil has designed and delivered the following leadership programmes: Emotionally intelligent leadership, Strategic thinking into action, Maximise your potential, Leading teams, Leading change, Performing under pressure. He coaches and mentors small, entrepreneurial companies to grow, to protect and realise value. He designs and runs workshops and seminars for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England amp Wales (ICAEW). Workshops amp seminars done to date include: Emotionally intelligent leadership, Leading teams in times of stress, Leading high performance teams, Motivational skills and Leading firms out of the recession into growth. Oliver Williams Business experience Oliver traded fixed income derivatives at JPMorgan and Credit Suisse from 1994 to 2004, as well as being active in structuring, marketing and client educational events all in the fixed income derivatives world. He brings a detailed practitioners familiarity with fixed income and FX derivatives trading strategies and risk management. He is particularly experienced at designing quantitative trading strategies for clients, and for the firms own book, and has developed various computer models to identify relative-value trading opportunities. Since 2004 he has worked as a consultant to many banks, brokers and asset managers, both as a financial trainer, and also developing trading tools. In 2010 he co-founded Statim Ltd, an FSA-authorised trading advisory firm which advises hedge funds and other clients in quantitative trading strategies across all asset classes. Professional qualifications In addition to his MPhil and PhD in financial economics he holds an MA in Computer Science and Management, all from Cambridge University, where he also lectures in economics, statistics and trading game theory to masters students. He has co-authored several published papers and book chapters in applied statistics, derivatives pricing and financial economics and is the co-inventor of a UK software patent in the field of network analytics. Training history Oliver has been a fixed income derivatives trainer since 2004, as well as many years of client education work while at JPMorgan and Credit Suisse. He is well known for bringing his practitioners experience into the training room, leaving the participants with practical insights which they can action as soon as they are back at the desk. Oliver has trained front office participants across the developed and developing markets. Paul Irvine Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Business experience Paul has over 27 years experience in the Financial Services industry. His career began in Intermediary Sales where, having built valuable back office know-how and experience, he progressed to a Relationship Manager role and gained a deep understanding of operating in the Business to Business marketplace. Paul then moved into Private Wealth Management where he used his expertise, knowledge and client facing skills to proactively build, grow and maintain a portfolio of high net worth clients. Paul has been a Training and Development Professional for over 12 years and brings the experience and credibility of a successful practitioner into his specialist fields of business development and retention, excellence in relationship management and client engagement, and driving performance and results through developmental management. As well as Financial Services, Paul has spent a number of years consulting and training in the Professional Services sector which means he brings a wider perspective to the clients and audiences he works with, in terms of being able to share his knowledge and understanding of other professions and their best and different practices. Training history Pauls ability to work at all levels within client organisations, across different sectors, distribution channels and jurisdictions, together with his experience of working with a wide variety of firms, has meant he has been involved in many high profile and successful training and development initiatives. He has extensive international training experience and has led and delivered training programmes in London, Singapore, UAE, Switzerland, India, USA, Channel Islands and Ireland. Pauls natural ability to engage with and relate to his audience, together with an impactful delivery style and obvious enthusiasm for what he does, makes him an ideal choice for the delivery of skills-based training. Paul Knight Business experience Pauls financial career started as a Chartered Accountant at Coopers amp Lybrand (now PwC), where he worked in both the consultancy and corporate finance divisions. Professional qualifications Chartered Accountant, Chartered Financial Analyst, BSc. Paul has a degree in Economics and Accountancy. Training history Paul has been training since 1995, and within the CFA programme is known as one of the most experienced trainers in the world. He has trained programmes for all the leading investment banks and investment management firms in Europe, the US and Asia, and is comfortable training at all levels, from introductory to the cutting edge of front office. His wide ranging technical knowledge is supported in the classroom by his renowned ability to engage participants, generate rapport and encourage networking across desks. He brings this engagement to the fore as one of our blended trainers moving between the product and the skills spaces to deliver practical training. Peter Giles Professional Skills Sales and Communications Business experience Over ten years experience in financial services in both client facing and managing client facing teams in EMEA. Selling a vast range of financial products including equity based investments. Peters background has allowed him to become an expert in professional skills training for finance professionals. Professional qualifications Associate member of the CIPD and is a qualified practitioner in Insights and Situational Leadership II. Training history Over 13 years experience of designing, delivering, and evaluating training solutions to meet the needs of the business at all levels leadership, sales, relationship management, presentation skills and psychometrics (insights). Peter has a proven track record in putting together training solutions that add real value to the business, and has worked in a group, on a one to one basis and trained up to a senior management team level. Philip Emmanuel Black Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Business experience Accomplished sales, marketing and LDOD professional with over 20 years of experience assisting businesses and organisations to achieve their goals. Five years of professional consulting, facilitation and training expertise. Key positions: Director, TeleTech Consulting 8211 TeleTech Consulting is the publicly-listed customer experience (CX) company focused on helping clients imagine, design, and deliver frictionless experiences to their customers, across channels. It does this by focusing on people, process and technology solutions that deliver exceptional customer experiences. Melbourne team leader. Director Sales and Marketing, Staging Connections Group Ltd (SCGL): SCGL focuses on the delivery of highly specialised event services across three regions globally (Asia, EMEA amp APAC), operating in four business segments of audio visual production, venue (AV) outsourcing, exhibitions and produced events. Sales and marketing director with revenue responsibility gt 500M. Professional qualifications Master of Marketing 8211 Melbourne Business School, 2015. No.3 ranked Marketing School globally. GPA 3.7 4.0 Dean Commendation for outstanding performance in marketing communications MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - Melbourne Business School, 2014. No.1 ranked Business School in ANZ. GPA 3.7 4.0 Bachelor of Law 8211 Queensland University of Technology, 1988-1991. Second-class honours. Leo Cussen Institute. Practical Legal Training School, Melbourne, 1992. Training history Five years professional consulting, training and development expertise in the practice areas of sales, leadership and communications. Specialisation is sales and sales leadership with strong industry expertise in financial services, with extensive experience also in leadership development in the healthcare sector. Rajiv Thakker Business experience Rajiv has 14 years of experience in diversified industries from Commodities Trading to Corporate Learning. As a commodity trader with Adani Enterprises a Golden Super Star Trading House he focused on speculative agricultural commodities across South East Asia. Post trading, he moved into Learning amp Development and worked with two large corporate training organisations Dale Carnegie Training and Time Manager International. In his last full-time role he was Head of Leadership Development at Intellivate Capital, where he was responsible for the Learning Lifecycle from identifying training needs to content creation, facilitation of interventions and measuring the effectiveness of training sessions. Professional qualifications Graduate in Commerce (B COM) MBA with a specialisation in International Marketing Adjunct Professor for Leadership Development S. P Jain School of Global Management (Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, and Sydney) Training Certifications including from Dale Carnegie Training amp Time Manger International Pursuing Level 1 Coach Certification with the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership, Australia Training history Rajiv has trained more than 90,000 participants in over 75 global organisations. He draws from his real-world business experiences, to deliver real insights and to keep audiences engaged. Rajiv has delivered learning interventions to audiences in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the UAE and UK. At Dale Carnegie Training he was awarded the Global Peak Performer Trainer and Superior Trainer of the Year from amongst 2900 trainers worldwide. 8220The most credible trainers we8217ve seen across our suppliers 8220 Professional Skills Leadership Sales and Communications Financial Products Ron William Business experience Ron William, CMT, MSTA, is Senior Tactical amp Market Timing Strategist for the Multi-Asset Research amp Advisory team at the ECU Group (A Global Macro amp Investment Firm). An accomplished strategist, trader and educator, Ron has 16 years of financial industry experience, working for leading economic research and institutional firms producing macro research and trading strategies. He specializes in macro, semi-discretionary analysis, driven by cycles and proprietary timing models. Ron8217s work, as part of his institutional market advisory firm (RWA), acquired global industry recognition with the 2014 2013 Finalist Award for 8220Best Independent Research House for FX8221 and 2012 Finalist Award for 8220Best Technical Analyst of the year8221. His market insights are featured regularly across notable industry publications and financial media programs. He dedicated 4 years working at Bloomberg L. P as a senior Technical Analyst Specialist, responsible for trainingconsultation across the EMEA region, and contributed to the development of charting strategies and the Technical Analysis platform of the Bloomberg Professional Service. Professional qualifications Ron is a board member of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), Vice President amp Head of the Geneva Chapter of the Swiss Association of Market Technicians (SAMT) and Honorary member of the Egyptian Society of Technical Analysts (ESTA) holding both the MSTA and Chartered Market Technician (CMT) professional designations. He is also co-founder of the Swiss (SAMT) CFTe Immersion Course and a lecturer of British (STA) diploma course at the London School of Economics. He has authored several market insights and trading strategies in notable industry publications and financial media programs. Training history Ron has been a financial market, technicalbehavioral and trading educator for 16 years, while working for leading economic research and institutional firms producing macro research and trading strategies. His most notable training experience was while working at Bloomberg L. P, as a senior Technical Analysis Specialist, responsible for trainingconsultation of a vast spectrum of buy-side and sell-side clients across the EMEA region. He also serves as a trading coach for the London Academy of Trading, teaching an accredited diploma in financial markets and trading strategies. In addition to his professional training experience, Ron is also very actively involved with local and global technical analysis societies in teaching their professional Chartered Financial Technician (CFTe) diploma. He is also co-founder of the Swiss (SAMT) CFTe Immersion Course and a lecturer of British (STA) diploma course at the London School of Economics. Ron strives to apply practical market experience to his training classes, using a blend of the latest qualitative and quantitative methods. Expect a very interactive learning experience, designed to make a difference to your workflow and core perspective of the financial markets. Steve Robinson Business experience Steve has over thirty years experience in the financial services industry including roles in retail banking with Barclays Bank PLC, wealth management and stockbroking operations and as a financial markets tutor with Barclays Bank Stockbrokers. Formerly, he was a UK training manager at Barclays Bank Stockbrokers, where he ran their financial services technical qualification training courses for seven years. Professional qualifications MCSI, IMC, CLDP Training history Steve is a consultant financial trainer with fifteen year experience in identifying, designing, delivering and evaluating financial services training. He has worked with a large number of major UK and international investment banks, stockbroking firms and fund managers. He has trained front, middle and operations staff. He is presently the author of two Chartered Institute for Securities amp Investment (CISI) study workbooks for their Investment Operations Certificate and Capital Markets programmes and has written a number of regulatory study workbooks. He has also written study workbooks for the Dubai Financial Services Authority. Steve is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities amp Investment and is a member of various CISI syllabus and examination committees. He has been awarded the Certificate in Learning and Development Practice by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Business experience Originally from the UK, Susan has been designing communication courses, creating training materials and conducting a wide variety of training in Singapore and the Southeast Asian region since 1994. She has designed and run many tailored courses in areas such as business communication, business presentation skills, interpersonal skills, cross-cultural communication, public relations, train the trainer, telephone techniques and business and technical writing for multinational corporations in the financial, petroleum, shipping, telecommunication and various manufacturing industries. Susan focuses on the psychology and language aspects of communication, training personnel to be confident speakers and writers in all work tasks. Professional qualifications MBTI, Positive Psychology, Language and Literature, University of London Tom Answer Business Experience Tom began his career in retail management, where he obtained a firm grounding in all aspects of business operations and people management, before moving into his first training position. He then went on to work for a number of global, multi-channel retailers gaining experience in designing and delivering training interventions across a wide range of subject areas from sales to leadership and systems training. Professional Qualifications Practitioner of MBTI, FIRO and 16PF personality profiling tools and qualified to administer and interpret occupational ability tests. Training History Tom has been working in Learning and Development since 2008 and is an innovative and skilled coach, facilitator and instructional designer. As a consultant, he has experience of working across a vast range of industries, and with professionals at all organisational levels. He is driven by a genuine curiosity in what drives behaviour, and seeks to unlock each individuals potential by creating high impact training whether it is face-to-face, blended or an online intervention. Warwick Farrer Professional Skills Sales and Communications Business experience Warwick started his working life in Sales, ranging from transactional to strategic account management including management of start-up offices. A minor career shift led Warwick into the generalist Human Resources profession which is where he developed a passion for helping individuals and companies navigate challenges and achieve goals. From Human Resources into an LampD role he ultimately ended up leading a Group Training Team which was also a Global Centre of Excellence. Amassing 10 years of Leadership, Learning, OD and Change Management predominantly in the financial services sector Warwick continues to work with clients to help them make a difference. Professional qualifications BA (Hons) European Business Insights Insights Discovery Profiling Hogan Assessment HPI, HDS, MPVI Red Tree Change Practitioner HAY Group 8211 Climate Accreditation Careers International 8211 Career Conversations Certification Training history Warwicks specialty includes leadership and management development for first line and middle managers. He enjoys working with leaders to help them understand their own style, the dynamics of their team and adapting their leadership style accordingly. Warwick also has a rich experience in influencing skills, presentation skills and communication skills workshops. He has working knowledge of and holds certificates in many psychometric models. He is also passionate about how teams work together to manage differences caused by differences in both personality types and cultural backgrounds. In previous roles he has been a champion in promoting companies Diversity and Inclusion strategies through training delivery, talent management exercises and coaching sessions. His energetic, curious nature engages and challenges learners to stretch themselves and ultimately drive business results. Wendy McKane Professional Skills Financial Products Business experience Wendy started her career in the car industry as a trainee management accountant and then transferred those skills to JP Morgan Chase where she was head of Management Information in the UK. Fascinated by the challenges of the Capital Markets she moved into the front office where she spent 20 years heading sales, marketing and product development teams in Europe and Asia for HSBC, Standard Chartered and Barclays. In addition to driving improved performance, her business highlights were launching the first corporate domestic currency bond in Singapore, developing FX investment products for HNW individuals and redesign of a securities execution business. Wendys last executive role was as COO for a retail bank where she had responsibility for strategy and delivery of banking services to 18000 not for profit customers. Professional qualifications BA Hons Philosophy and Psychology University of Newcastle upon Tyne. CIMA 8211 Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. IMC 8211 Investment Management Certificate. Cert PFS 8211 Certificate Personal Finance Society. Training history Wendy has been intimately involved in the training and development of her teams and customers throughout her career. She initiated the intern programme and management development programme whilst COO and was the Capital Markets mentor and manager for the Standard Chartered graduate programme in Europe. She has been a speaker on graduate and sales courses, a technical trainer for customers on FX, Fixed Income and Investments and developed and presented numerous strategy papers for Executive and Board meetings. Wojtek Lyjak Business experience In 2004 Wojtek started his career in Accounting Policy functions at Citi Handlowy (a member of Citigroup): developing IFRS-compliant financial reporting policies for standardised products, one-off deals transactions and business events (acquisitions, spin-offs). He then moved to EY where he tutored and subsequently managed the design and delivery of courses on all aspects of financial reporting under IFRS with special emphasis on: accounting for financial instruments and bank financial statements, analysing IFRS-compliant financial statements for investment professionals (asset managers and equity analysts), financial markets and banking (including the CFA programme), finance for non-financial managers. Since 2012 Wojtek has owned and lead tutoring at A4 Training design and delivery of financial training, course structuring, online course development, client acquisition and relationship management. Professional qualifications ACCA (FCCA ACCA fellow) CFA Training history Full-time trainer tutor since 2007. Delivered over 1,000 training days under EY Academy of Business and A4 Training brands. One of the most experienced financial tutors in Poland and CEE. Yolanda Clatworthy Business Experience Yolanda started her banking career with NatWest where she worked for 5 years, working her way up through retail and corporate banking, initially in a client facing role. Her final position at NatWest was in credit sanctioning at a head office based in London. She then joined the Dutch merchant bank, MeesPierson N. V, (now part of Fortis Bank) as a trade and commodity finance relationship manager in European coverage. Professional Qualifications Yolanda holds an honours degree from Durham University in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, is ACIB qualified and is fluent in Polish. Training History From banking Yolanda then moved into financial product training where over 6 years she worked for BPP Bank Training and then later DC Gardner Training (part of Euromoney plc). During this time she delivered a broad spectrum of training courses for banks, corporates, accounting and law firms, specialising in retail and corporate banking, debt products, credit analysis skills and trade amp commodity finance. In August 2000 Yolanda was headhunted to join Barclays Capital as a credit trainer, where she broadened her credit focus, also teaching accounting, the bond amp syndicated loan markets and corporate finance techniques amongst many subjects. As well as running internal courses her training remit included graduates and MBAs, Board members and clients of the firm. Yolanda is currently freelancing and training primarily in general banking, debt products and credit analysis. More recently she has completed a 9 month consulting assignment with Barclays Wealth, where she has been involved in both stand up delivery and course design across all segments of the private banking businesses.

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